Set pieces are something I work hard at after training, and I hit quite a lot every day.

Every day is a new day, and you'll never be able to find happiness if you don't move on.

I'm Irish on St. Patrick's Day. I'm Italian on Columbus Day. I'm a New Yorker every day.

Without your health, you've got nothing going on. I thank God every day for good health.

I wake up every day with great appreciation for life and appreciation to play this game.

I put at the top of my paper every day, 'Never comfortable.' It's just how I feel always.

I like to surround myself with people that have dreams and that fight for them every day.

Men - the colour of their tie is the most difficult decision they have to make every day.

What's my secret? I don't have a secret - you just have to work every day on your dreams.

In politics, every day is filled with numerous opportunities for serious error. Enjoy it.

The harder I train every day on the track and in the gym, the more trust I gain in myself.

Control what you can control. I can control my emotions, my attitude, my effort every day.

I promise I will get up every day, determined to make a difference... I am ready to serve.

Doing the Five Tibetan Rites exercises every day - it makes me feel at home wherever I am.

You're playing worse and worse every day and right now you're playing like it's next month.

There will always be haters. Small heroes can change society every day. It just takes time.

If I can surround myself with hilarious people every day, I will always want to go to work.

It has been a difficult road this year, but still I look at every day as a new opportunity.

I love the Bee Gees, and I love Barry Gibb and Andy Gibb. I listen to them almost every day.

I wake up every day in a different headspace, so on any given day, my hairstyle will change.

I draw flowers every day and send them to my friends so they get fresh blooms every morning.

I come from a very, very Catholic family. We used to pray the rosary every day after dinner.

I pray every day, several times. It soothes me. I don't ask for anything, except for health.

My mother made wonderful cheesecake. She loved cheesecake. She ate it every day of her life.

Ya know what I do almost every day? I wash. Personal hygiene is part of the package with me.

The fact is, I diet every day of my life. I have to work at it. But I diet so I can pig out.

I find myself eating different kinds of chicken each and every day, even if it's by surprise.

I wake up each and every day with a smile on my face knowing I get to do something musically.

Every day, I was on the street dribbling, doing skills. I wasn't in an academy till I was 19.

Be happy. God gave you a breath to breathe every day. You don't need to be mad about nothin'.

I read the paper every day and the Bible every day; that way I know what both sides are up to.

I'm tired of seeing people dying every day; I'm tired of seeing people go to jail for nothing.

I don't want to look like Daisy Duke every day. I don't want to wear a bathing suit every day.

I think every day you try to soak up as much as you can to learn and understand things better.

You're not obligated to win. You're obligated to keep trying to do the best you can every day.

I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act.

I grew up in a house where nobody had to tell me to go to school every day and do my homework.

I don't let myself get carried away by my own ideas - I abandon 19 out of 20 of them every day.

I just want to be better every day, to get better every day, not to be better than anyone else.

It makes so much sense to just love what you do and go to work every day to get to get to work.

Every day, I'm learning new things about myself. Every day, I'm learning new things about life.

I feel like I'm capable of doing anything and everything. I just got to come to work every day.

Live every day as if it is your last, and you'll be correct sooner than you otherwise would be.

Oh my God, I never really tweet, but there's a moment every day I write one and then delete it.

The future depends entirely on what each of us does every day; a movement is only people moving.

I'm going to stay training every day. I'm going to stay sharp, because that's what I love to do.

We must honor, protect and support our police officers and their families every day of the year.

The core spirit of Pleats Please is joy, and what better emotion to wear on your skin every day?

If you had a cancer on your skin and had it burned it off, you'd wash it and clean it every day.

If you were happy every day of your life you wouldn't be a human being, you'd be a game show host.

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