I write music with an exclamation point!

Keep your exclamation points under control!

Changing the world, one exclamation point at a time.

Five exclamation marks: the sure sign of an insane mind.

Use lots of exclamation points. They love to be overused.

In Gospel grammar, death is not an exclamation point, merely a comma.

Numbersign questionmark you" and "Asterisk exclamation point the world.

When you see the veins popping out of my neck, that's an exclamation point.

I've always thought of accessories as the exclamation point of a woman's outfit.

...I mean, you don't just love people, you must LOVE them with exclamation points.

One should never use exclamation points in writing. It is like laughing at your own joke.

Fundamentalist s live life with an exclamation point. I prefer to live my life with a question mark.

She wrote to him fairly regularly, from a paradise of triple exclamation points and inaccurate observations.

You can't have many exclamation points left,' thought Anne, 'but no doubt the supply of italics is inexhaustible.

I bet when all the punctuation marks have a party, they quietly look at exclamation point's wife and think, that poor woman.

People complain about my exclamation points, but I honestly think that's the way people think. I don't think people think in essays; it's one exclamation point to another.

God is not an exclamation point. He is, at his best, a semicolon, connecting people, and generating what Aldous Huxley called “human grace.” Somewhere along the way, we’ve lost sight of this.

Speak and live in simple sentences. Bring closure -- put a period to -- those experiences that you don't want to carry on forever and ever. Use commas in those places where you're still growing... and use exclamation points at the end of every lesson.

When you're in @#*!#-ing hell, your forehead can feel a wee bit feverish. (By the way, that's the way my wife actually curses. She doesn't use dirty words; she'll literally say "asterisk, pound sign, exclamation point, the-letter-'A'-with-a-circle-around-it, asterisk, asterisk, asterisk.")

I love to accent movement. The eye goes to where the white is - you know, the glove. And the feet, if you're dancing, you can put an exclamation point on your movement if it has a bit of light on it. So I wore the white socks. And for the design of the jacket, I would sit with the people who made the clothes and tell them where I wanted a button or a buckle or a design.

Extroverts want us to have fun, because they assume we want what they want. And sometimes we do. But "fun" itself is a "bright" word, the kind of word that comes with flashing lights and an exclamation point! One of Merriam-Webster's definitions of "fun" is "violent or excited activity or argument." The very word makes me want to sit in a dimly lit room with lots of pillows-by myself.

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