As exits go, that's a good one." It was pretty hard to have the last word with a vampire.

When you are the invisible man to the head coach, the only option is to head for the exit.

We are running out of time. We need a strategy to win in Iraq or an exit strategy to leave.

I describe a world with no exit, convinced that God accompanies man throughout his history.

Greece could default on its debts and even exit currency bloc if it cannot deliver reforms.

It looks like Rudy Giuliani is out of the race. Finally, a Republican with an exit strategy.

Death is my exit strategy. I'll be doing significant customer service only as long as I live.

Whenever you take on a project, there should be an exit policy. You cannot help people forever.

I am going to oblige all my TV commitments, and if films work out, I will make a graceful exit.

Article 50 governs the exit from the European Union and here there can also be no renegotiation.

We believe that what they call "Grexit" [a Greek exit from the eurozone] is not an option for us.

Act smarter than you are and always know where your exit is in case you get into too much trouble.

A Greek exit from the E.U. and the euro would mean the Greek economy would be difficult to sustain.

That was one problem with dramatic exits: Sometimes they wound up making you look like a bubblehead.

A homeless veteran should not have to stand at a freeway exit with a cardboard sign. That's not okay.

I invented the web just because I needed it really because it was so frustrating that it didn't exit.

I don't think Jimi committed suicide in the conventional way. He just decided to exit when he wanted to.

Oh but I'd pay anything to keep my conscience clean.I'm keeping my eyes on the the exit sign. Steady now.

I cannot support an indefinite backstop arrangement where the E.U. holds a veto over our ability to exit.

There are 43 million people who are locked into predatory student loan debt, from which there is no exit.

Start with the impossible. Proceed calmly towards the improbable. No worry, there are at least five exits.

Remember, children. For every exit, there is also an entrance. ~ Milligan, The Mysterious Benedict Society

I don't believe in dying. It's been done. I'm working on a new exit. Besides, I can't die now - I'm booked.

Some 43 percent of voters in union households voted for President Bush in 2004, according to exit poll data.

I am committed to doing customer service for Craigslist for the rest of my life. The exit strategy is death.

One never knows what life may have in store for us, and it's always good to know where the emergency exit is.

I always ask for the exit row when flying. Airlines are pretty accommodating and most of the time I'll get it.

I described the euro as a burning building with no exits and so it has proved for some of the countries in it.

Pure love and suspicion cannot dwell together: at the door where the latter enters, the former makes its exit.

If you're a Democrat and 'The New York Times' is calling for your head, you know it's time for an exit strategy.

For an actor, a Mamet play is definitely on the list of things you hope to be a part of before it's time to exit.

Ma'am," Magnus said, advancing. "I must counsel you not to exit the carriage while a demon-slaying is in progress.

Affairs are easier of entrance than of exit; and it is but common prudence to see our way out before we venture in.

In over thirty years working in TV and movies, I've never had an exit interview or contributed to a 360 assessment.

This isn't going to be easy," I grumbled as we headed toward the exit. Bones shrugged. "Nothing worthwhile ever is.

It`s human nature to be optimistic. Any fool can enter a market, it takes talent to exit consistently and profitably.

Life for me has always been about timing, and it was bad timing for that disease to hit me; it was time to exit stage.

It would be wonderful if we could avoid the setbacks with timely exits, but nobody has figured out how to predict them.

The Delorean was an inferior automobile, and nearly impossible for a person of normal size like myself to enter and exit.

My first show was 'No Exit.' You couldn't find a more pretentious beginning, but it also instilled some sense of quality.

In the Valley, what's happened is you have entrepreneurs that just want to fill a hole in the market and have a rich exit.

I will come to know when my time's up, and when it is, I will exit gracefully. I will not hang around till I am kicked out.

What you should worry about is how you suffer here on this planet. You do not worry about suffering after you make the exit.

My exit strategy from pro wrestling wasn't carved in stone. I retired because of a few neck issues, some neurological issues.

There`s a lot in common between the Trump phenomenon and the campaign for Britain to exit the European Union, known as Brexit.

Your uncle," Poseidon sighed, "has always had a flair for dramatic exits. I think he would've done well as the god of theater.

I see too many men delay their exits with a sickly, slow reluctance to leave the stage. It's bad theater as well as bad living.

If we are going to commit American troops, we must be certain they have a clear mission, an achievable goal and an exit strategy.

Most venture capital funds are too short-termist and exit-driven to deal with the highly uncertain and lengthy innovation process.

Far from the quick and easy exit that Leave campaigners once promised, Brexit has become mired in its own internal contradictions.

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