How marriage ruins a man! It is as demoralizing as cigarettes, and ...

How marriage ruins a man! It is as demoralizing as cigarettes, and far more expensive.

Drift racing is expensive.

Her skin tasted expensive.

Washington is too expensive.

Our distrust is very expensive.

All festival food is expensive.

Film is a very expensive medium.

Movies are an expensive business.

Bobsledding is an expensive sport.

Gorgeous exfoliants are expensive.

New York vintage is too expensive!

It's expensive to police the world.

Arrows are cheap; you're expensive.

If the shoe fits, it's too expensive.

New York is dead. It's too expensive.

Let's just say I have expensive taste.

I'm not attracted to expensive things.

Safety isn't expensive, its priceless.

Conscience gets expensive, doesn't it?

Movies are just ridiculously expensive.

Expensive clothes are a waste of money.

Notes are expensive... spend them wisely

I love vintage, but it's so expensive now.

Nothing is more expensive than mediocrity.

Redundancy is expensive but indispensable.

Gifts are free, but maturity is expensive.

Always wear expensive shoes. People notice.

Anything beats an expensive stack of paper.

Staging Formula One is incredibly expensive.

Conventions are expensive to run and attend.

Make your smile cheaper and anger expensive!

Freedom: both so priceless and so expensive.

It is expensive to start from scratch though.

Programmers are expensive. Hardware is cheap.

Fur is not murder, but it is quite expensive.

I don't bring anything expensive to the dorms.

Revenge is profitable, gratitude is expensive.

Proceedings at law are sufficiently expensive.

It's very expensive to treat chronic diseases.

As men get older, the toys get more expensive.

I think rock records tend to be very expensive.

It's easier to cancel a show if it's expensive.

Marriage is the most expensive ticket to nowhere

I don't waste money on smart, expensive clothes.

Terrorism is actually a very expensive business.

It's very expensive to bring a band to New York.

'American Idol' was an extremely expensive show.

It's expensive to produce musicals on television.

Afghanistan is an expensive disaster for America.

I am either very expensive or free for my friends.

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