I'm constantly exposing myself to art and that inspires me.

Exposing your ignorance is how you get somebody to embrace you.

I'm not exposing anything thats private - that's one thing I won't do.

Exposing children to nature, especially at an early age, keeps them grounded.

I would have made a lousy stripper. I'm just not very comfortable exposing myself.

If we start exposing what gets said in a grand jury, you won't get anybody to testify.

There's so many documentaries out there right now and everything's exposing wrestling.

Only by constantly exposing myself to someone better than I have I been able to improve.

As a matter of fact , personally I am ok with exposing, as long as it is done in good taste.

My father had a way of exposing himself, of showing weakness and still retaining his dignity.

He behaved like an ostrich and put his head in the sand, thereby exposing his thinking parts.

Globalization is exposing new fault lines - between urban and rural communities, for example.

The idea of exposing the British public to the full breadth of my personality isn't a good one.

Never be afraid to expose a weakness in yourself. Exposing a weakness is the beginning of strength.

Strength, to me, is about exposing vulnerabilities and foibles and facts and people that are honest.

Painting, n.: The art of protecting flat surfaces from the weather, and exposing them to the critic.

Any aluminum product may scratch or chip with use, exposing its natural silver color. That is normal.

For years, my marriage to Prince was mine. The idea of exposing myself to the world... was terrifying.

Like most people, I shrink from exposing my innermost secrets and my most private and intimate actions.

I mean, my stand-up is very honest and exposing in this way. I probably carry that into everything I do.

Stop exposing your children to danger by sending them to throw bombs and stones at soldiers and civilians.

The journalist confines himself to the clean, gentlemanly work of exposing the griefs and shames of others.

I'd rather go on stage and talk or do public speaking than sing. Singing is very scary. It's very exposing.

Breaking into a system or exposing its weaknesses is a good thing because truth and knowledge must win out.

Ah, reality TV: where opportunists delight in exposing opportunism! It's kind of like the indie music scene.

By drawing or exposing two or more patterns on the same bit of film I can create harmony and textual effects.

You know, 'Mad Men' is notoriously secretive with its plotlines, even with exposing them to actors on the show.

It's claustrophobic, and I think it is to do with the amount that we're exposing people to one particular point.

There's not an awful lot that embarrasses me. I'm the kind of actress that absolutely believes in exposing myself.

Staging any play is very exposing because, if you are going to do it well, you have to put so much of yourself into it.

You are exposing yourself all the time as an actor. There's the risk of being thought of as bad or boring or unattractive.

Exposing any subject that is unpleasant or controversial means risking judgment and making some people feel uncomfortable.

When you write a memoir, and it's your life, and you're exposing things that are close to home, it's hard to see it changed.

In 2008 we came perilously close to killing money, exposing in the process how out of date money's infrastructure has become.

Facetiousness is allowable when it is the most proper instrument of exposing things apparently base and vile to due contempt.

Exposing the world's biggest financial heist, the so-called 1MDB scandal, turned out to be an adventure in more ways than one.

The dance world is too small in lots of ways - it's too intense, it rattles around itself, and it needs exposing to other ideas.

Let America Vote will make the case for voting rights by exposing the real motivations of those who favor voter suppression laws.

Weirdly, when I'm playing an English person, I feel like I've got nothing to hang on to, and it feels a bit strange and exposing.

For single women, admitting that you want kids when you're still unattached can feel like exposing a vulnerability. It did to me.

I have no problems exposing to any extent. However when I gave my first bikini shot, it was quite tough facing the public out there.

I made 'Free Game' based on personal experiences, what I been through, my life, exposing people to the fact that I'm in the streets.

You have to take a leap of faith before exposing yourself completely in terms of feelings and desires - especially if you're a woman.

I find it hilarious that there are academics who try to analyse chemical changes in the brains of students while exposing them to gags.

Exposing characters and their shortcomings gives me great comfort. It's always great to write about someone more mixed up than yourself.

Vitamin D from mushrooms is not only vegan and vegetarian friendly, but you can prepare your own by exposing mushrooms to the summer sun.

I got a phone call saying we are from the News of the World, and we're exposing you and David Beckham. My heart did not beat for a minute.

I like exposing myself. There's not an awful lot that embarrasses me. I'm the kind of actress who absolutely believes in exposing herself.

Glamour has been an integral part of showbiz from a longtime and the whole debate about exposing and vulgarity is blown out of proportions.

I'm not much of a crier but it is mildly soul-destroying and exposing to do something physical that you are terrible at in front of other people.

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