Inside every man, there's a yearning to express your wild side.

You must be willing to risk everything to really express it all.

But most people don't come up to me and express a lot of emotion.

Acting is not being emotional, but being able to express emotion.

We all need ways to express ourselves, and poetry is one of mine.

You can express a lot of things, a lot of action without speaking.

As a solo artist, my desire is to express myself through my music.

Freedom is what beauty feels like when it can most express itself.

I think the leaders inevitably express the people they are leading.

I am a huge fashion fan. It's a really cool way to express yourself.

I write to express my thoughts, my feelings. I want people to think.

Music is the tool to express life - and all that makes a difference.

Sometimes I'll go for some Panda Express or a light margherita pizza.

I'm voraciously looking to express myself in my work. I love my work.

With a guitar I would be able to express the things I felt in sounds.

People who express suicidal feelings are least likely to act on them.

I design things to help people to hopefully express their personality.

A fight can express things people might not be able to say with words.

Dance is not endangered - it will always find a way to express itself.

We should all have the opportunity to express what we want to express.

In acting class, you're trained to express yourself as much as you can.

I had to try and find a way to express happiness without sounding corny.

We have no right to express an opinion until we know all of the answers.

Boxing gave me a voice to express the anger I felt for where I came from.

Folk songs express the dreams and prayers and hopes of the working people.

The concepts of Joss are pure, and express attitudes and technical ideals.

I'm really an animal guy. I express myself in different ways as an animal.

I have spent more than half a lifetime trying to express the tragic moment.

Actors and singers share common ground in that they both express something.

The ability to express an idea is well nigh as important as the idea itself.

In black Africa, one does not strike, one does not express, one walks right.

Love cannot express the idea of music, while music may give an idea of love.

Draw your pleasure, paint your pleasure, and express your pleasure strongly.

I like people and get along, and I'm afraid to express my anger and my rage.

I want to express myself in a different way. I have a performing inclination.

I love this freedom that has been given to me as an artist to express myself.

If you want to read and you want to draw, that helps you to express yourself.

I believe that a web series allows actors the freedom to express their views.

Hate is only a form love that hasn't found a way to express itself logically.

There's a desire in me to express something - to match what I hear in my head.

Excitement was plentiful during my two years' service as a Pony Express rider.

How strangely do we diminish a thing as soon as we try to express it in words.

I had learning disabilities, and I couldn't express myself in the written word.

My mum and dad were always supportive of me. They always let me express myself.

The Iranian regime doesn't express the wishes and values of the Iranian people.

I'm from the South, so I tend to tell stories. That's how we express ourselves.

Polar Express is not an attempt to do animation. It is a technology-based film.

I just like to be real and just express real emotions and talk about real life.

I love songwriting. It's second to my love for singing in how I express myself.

I want to express my ideas through my music and on stage because I'm a musician.

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