I hate fad diets.

Fortnite' is a fad.

Steer clear of fad diets.

I have no time for fad diets.

I don't believe in fad diets.

I've never been on a fad diet.

I'm not interested in fad songs.

I want to be the Ann Landers for fad people.

I wouldn't finance a fad if I were a banker.

I do suspect that privacy was a passing fad.

I remember when people called Facebook a fad.

Stop turning to fad diets and use common sense.

The fad diets are doing way more harm than good.

I've probably tried every fad diet in the world.

I don't do fad things or diets - they don't work.

'Data scientist,' as a profession, is largely a fad.

Honestly, when I see those fad diets it makes me furious.

Novelty is always welcome but talking pictures are just a fad.

As a book is judged by its cover, so a fad is judged by its name.

And I've never taken up a sport just because it was a social fad.

My family thought the fascination with acting was just another fad.

Fads are the kiss of death. When the fad goes away, you go with it.

I don't do a lot of fad diets or supplements and don't recommend that.

Movies are a fad. Audiences really want to see live actors on a stage.

I've always thought of absurdism as a French fad I'd like to belong to.

Women on television are not a fad; we are not a trend - we are a reality!

Working in the entertainment industry exposes me to every current cosmetic fad.

We told you Wu-Tang was forever, and some people forgot that. It's not some fad.

I have never been on a fad diet. I have always worked out and I know my balance.

In fad standard time, a day is a month, and a fad that lasts two months is a classic.

Randy Moss was a fad. People were looking for some way to vote against Peyton Manning.

I'm not into fad diets; I'm not into depriving. I like fast food, and I like chocolate.

My biggest regret is putting my body through fad diets - Atkins, cleanses, the hCG diet.

You actually don't want people thinking your product is cool, because then you're a fad.

None of this 'different diets' lark. I can't remember the last time I tried some new fad.

Flash mobbing may be a fad that passes away, or it may be an indicator of things to come.

I'm pretty sure people are going to start writing letters again once the email fad passes.

The only reason Twitter itself would be a fad is if someone comes along and does it better.

That's what's important to all of us that work on 'Atlanta,' that people don't see us as a fad.

Denim comes and goes into style often, but my Levi's have longevity. They will never be just a fad.

A fad is something that gives just a couple of minutes of extreme fun. It can be useful. It can be useless.

I got the idea of meditation from The Beatles. It was a fad, but I've found it beneficial in my crazy life.

The artists with lyrical content and who say something seem to outlast the fad rappers - I always noticed that.

Jazz, of course, is our heritage. Jazz is a culture, it's not a fad. It's up to us to see to it that it stays alive.

This is the moment when I should also admit that when the Internet first arrived I kept telling people it was a fad.

While fad diets might seem like the quick-fix solution to lose weight, they won't help you get healthy in the long run.

A true fad has little utility beyond its entertainment value. Think of the Mood Ring, the Pet Rock, the Slinky, Silly Putty.

Universities have come to realize that online is not a fad. The question is not whether to engage in this area but how to do it.

It's wrong to look at what we call 'Enlightenment values' as some fad of the 18th century. It's deeply rooted in ancient history.

I don't hold much of care for 3D. I think it's a passing fad. It came and went in the '60s. I don't see what it adds to the story.

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