A vice is a failure of desire

Failure is success in progress

The whole world is one family.

Success is 99 percent failure.

Don't make excuses, make good.

Most progress is most failure.

Failure too is a form of death.

The only failure is not to try.

It is not the critic who counts

If you think you can - you can!

The wisest of the wise may err.

Learn how to fail intelligently.

Not failure, but low aim is sin.

Bad excuses are worse than none.

The phoenix must burn to emerge.

Nothing succeeds like - failure.

Failure is a word unknown to me.

Failure is a word I don't accept.

The hippy movement was a failure.

All the world loves a good loser.

Failure's a natural part of life.

One fails forward toward success.

My music has never been a failure.

To fail at all is to fail utterly.

It is the empiric who never fails.

Failure actually makes you strong.

Giving up is the ultimate tragedy.

Translation is the art of failure.

The only real failure is giving up.

Any disaster is a learning process.

Every failure is a step to success.

When all else fails, fresh tactics!

Not failure, but low aim, is crime.

Sometimes the best gain is to lose.

I fell off my pink cloud with a thud.

Failure cannot cope with persistence.

Act as if it were impossible to fail.

I have impeached myself by resigning.

To err is human, but it feels divine.

Failure is not an option on this one.

Ignore past failures and forge ahead.

Paralyze resistance with persistence.

My past is everything I failed to be.

Failure is the mechanism of learning.

The reward of suffering is experience

Men do not fail; they give up trying.

Mistakes are the portals of discovery.

To win you've got to stay in the game.

Every fair from fair sometime declines

Success is on the far side of failure.

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