A falcon is the perfect hunter.

Sharp is the kiss of the falcon's beak.

Very few of my books are about who stole the Maltese Falcon

Very few of my books are about who stole the Maltese Falcon.

At 45, you know what you're doing, but you're still not done.

There was a show I loved as a kid: 'The Blue Falcon & Dynomutt.'

You love him as a falcon loves his master who binds and blinds it.

A falcon who chases a warlike crane can only hope for a life of pain.

Talking is something you can't do judiciously unless you keep in practice.

He felt like somebody had taken the lid off life and let him see the works.

It's a little weird thinking I'm going to be an Atlanta Falcon - just saying that.

The ladies remember me from 'Falcon Crest,' and the guys remember me from 'Renegade.'

The wing of the Falcon brings to the king, the wing if the crow brings him to the cemetery.

I'd run the gamut of emotions on 'Falcon Crest.' When the show folded, I was ready to move on.

The Falcon and the Dove sit there together, And th 'one of them doth prune the others feather.

The quality of decision is like the well-timed swoop of a falcon which enables it to strike and destroy its victim.

If you have a Falcon Heavy, and you have a Dragon, and you have a Bigelow module, then all of a sudden, life gets interesting.

The Georgia Dome was my home field, brother. There's no question about it. I played my first football game there as an Atlanta Falcon.

Marie Cornelie Falcon, who lost her voice while performing - singing the line 'Je suis pret' - 'I am ready.' How much more tragic can you get?

I couldn't be fonder of you if you were my own son. But, well, if you lose a son, its possible to get another. There's only one Maltese Falcon.

'Revenge' is a shameless soap in the style of Eighties shoulder-pad slap-offs like 'Dallas,' 'Dynasty' and 'Falcon Crest.' Yet there's no wink-wink camp.

I really wanted to be the American James Bond when I was starting out in the business. Then I got 'Falcon Crest,' and the film portion of my career took a back seat.

Yep, I'm a geek. Ever since I got the Millennium Falcon for Christmas in 1978. And I still have it, in perfect condition, just without the box... but I still play with it!

When I was a teenager, I was a voracious reader of crime fiction, but only contemporary books. I was not interested in reading 'The Glass Key' or 'The Maltese Falcon' - stuff that was 40 or 50 years old.

It was so emotional to step onto the Millennium Falcon set because that was the play set we all had when we were kids. Suddenly, you were standing in the real thing. There's this rush of unreality about it.

It's not an easy thing to captive-breed a falcon. You need to take extreme care of its diet and exercise and keep it close to its natural environment. Whenever the birds take ill, I only use Ayurveda to cure them.

When I was a teenager, the actors I was really into were Mickey Rourke and Sean Penn. I saw 'Rumble Fish' on my 16th birthday, and around the same time, it was 'Falcon and the Snowman' and 'Bad Boys' from Sean Penn.

Lilliet Berne, La Generale, newly returned to Paris after a year spent away, the Falcon soprano whose voice was so delicate it was rumored she endangered it even by speaking, her silences as famous as her performances.

If I'm honest, the thing I remember the most was the team mascot, Freddie the Falcon. I really remember there was a McDonald's nearby, and I remember eating a cheeseburger in the playground when the Falcon appeared. I'm not sure my dad appreciates that being my favorite memory of him playing.

I definitely have an affection for detective fiction, and when I first read Dashiell Hammett's 'The Maltese Falcon,' that book and its author made an enormous impression on me as a reader and a writer, and led me to other hard-boiled American writers like Raymond Chandler and Ross McDonald, among many.

I had a Super Beetle that I restored and painted deep purple in honor of Jimi Hendrix that was stolen. After that, I got a Ford Falcon that had no windshield wipers, so whenever it rained - which, thankfully, in L.A. it doesn't do very much - I'd have to lean out my driver's side window like 'Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.'

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