I hate fame.

Fame is weird.

Fame is a mirage.

'Fame' exhausts me.

I do not want fame.

Fame is a Bleet, man.

Fame is a heavy burden.

Fame attracts lunatics.

Fame is morally neutral.

Fame is a constant effort

Love is better than Fame.

Acquaintance lessens fame.

Fame is a constant effort.

Fame overcomes everything.

Make a virtue of necessity.

I don't play golf for fame.

Being famous is just a job.

Fame doesn't end loneliness.

It stirs up envy, fame does.

Fame is the thirst of youth.

To many fame comes too late.

I don't feel like a big star.

Poet's food is love and fame.

I think fame can come and go.

Fame is a very strange animal.

Lighter is the wound foreseen.

That's what fame is: solitude.

I don't know if fame will come.

I never pursued being 'famous.'

I want to be famous everywhere.

Fame is a powerful aphrodisiac.

Fame isn't healthy for a writer.

I, personally, liked the legend.

No, fame has not changed Wizkid.

Creativity is not about the fame.

I don't think I ever wanted fame.

Fame hit me like a ton of bricks.

I feel like fame is wasted on me.

I want a sandwich named after me.

Fame is an interesting phenomenon.

Fame is nothing but an empty name.

The Hall of Fame is forever, baby!

Folly loves the martyrdom of fame.

Andy Warhol made fame more famous.

Sometimes I wish I weren't famous.

I'm not interested in fame at all.

Fame is a form of misunderstanding.

I'd pick fortune over fame any day.

For virtue only finds eternal Fame.

Knowledge is power as well as fame.

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