I love me some 'Family Guy.'

I'm the good guy, I'm a family guy.

Anything with 'Family Guy' is great.

I love 'America Dad' and 'Family Guy.'

'Family Guy' is relentlessly excellent.

I'm a big family guy. I want to do more with them.

I'm a fan of 'Family Guy,' and I like watching the show.

I've watched 'Family Guy,' growing up and throughout my whole life.

Look at 'Batman' - that was theater of the absurd, as is 'Family Guy.'

It's amazing that people love 'Family Guy' as much as they do. It's great.

Believe me, when I saw 'Family Guy' do the bit on 'Africa,' I howled laughing.

When 'Family Guy' came along, it was like a gift, and it expanded my fan base.

I'm a family guy, I've got a beautiful wife, a beautiful son, and I couldn't be happier.

I think Seth McFarlane is brilliant, and I think 'Family Guy' should get an Emmy for sure.

There was a time when cell animation was poison, but after Family Guy now everyone wants it.

In bed watching Family Guy. Love this show.! So hilarious! Stewie is my favorite :) love his accent.

When 'Family Guy' started, we wanted to make it more like a sitcom. And there was very little music.

I'm not saying I'm a family guy, but maybe that's what people see in me: some kind of paternal quality.

I'm a family guy. I want to be home with my family, want to spend as much time with my family as I can.

I think that 'Family Guy' and 'The Critic' come from some of the same kind of seed. I don't know what it is.

I love dark humor that crosses the line and makes you say, 'That's so wrong!' And that's 'Family Guy' to me.

I watch the comedy shows like 'Married With Children,' 'Friends,' 'Family Guy,' and 'Everybody Loves Raymond.'

Who I am is a dad and a family guy. When I look in the mirror and talk to myself, that's what I want to reflect.

My oldest son started to like 'South Park' and 'Family Guy,' so we'd watch together so I could spend time with him.

'Family Guy'. It's not only the funniest programme on television, it's the most wonderfully, indecorously literate.

I'm a family guy, so I would love to have a family; I would love to find that perfect person to have a family with.

If you're a kid wanting to be a cartoonist today, and you're looking at Family Guy, you don't have to aim very high.

I never wanted to be a star, and I don't really want to be famous. I just love the stability of my life. I'm a complete family guy.

'Family Guy' has this weird thing of attracting people. People either hate it or can't get enough of it. There's really no one in between.

I'm a Christian first. I'm a family guy second. As much as I like coaching, as much as I like basketball, it's third, fourth, or fifth down the line.

I like a family guy. He must be fun, must like to go out, and has to respect his mom... my family is very important, so it should be likewise for him.

I usually just watch YouTube videos or reruns on Netflix of older TV shows like 'Family Guy' and stuff. But I still really want to start watching more TV.

I think that 'Family Guy' is hysterical. It's edgy and hip - and they can do whatever they want to do because it's animated and they're not limited by budget.

I don't really have time to watch too much, but I like 'Family Guy' and 'Entourage.' I'm also obsessed with the YouTube series 'Balls of Steel.' It's hilarious.

I'm a family guy. A lot of my songs are inspired by my kids. Simple relationships. Watching them grow up, watching them share experiences with me and vice versa.

You can draw Family Guy when you're 10 years old. You don't have to get any better than that to become a professional cartoonist. The standards are extremely low.

We never really tried to shock for shock's sake on 'Family Guy.' If something was horribly offensive and shocking we would put it in if it was also hysterically funny.

We never really tried to shock for shock's sake on 'Family Guy'. If something was horribly offensive and shocking, we would put it in if it was also hysterically funny.

I'm very lucky. I do voiceovers, 'Family Guy,' on and on, and quite frankly, I'm one of the luckiest actors in the world. I was able to create a character who became iconic.

'Adult Swim' on the Cartoon Network is unbelievable. And 'South Park' continues to do great stuff. And 'Family Guy' and the various other Seth MacFarlane projects are amazing.

I'm a family guy. Most important thing in my life by far is my relationship with my wife and my sons, daughters-in-law, and 18 grandchildren. And for me, this is all about them.

Steve Carell is good. I like him. Who else? Here's another depressing thing: animation has kind of taken over, too. You know, 'Family Guy?' I watch that because the guy is good.

'Family Guy's got a strong fanbase, man, like no other. It's great. Everywhere around the world, it's pretty amazing. It's amazing that people love 'Family Guy' as much as they do. It's great.

'Family Guy''s got a strong fanbase, man, like no other. It's great. Everywhere around the world, it's pretty amazing. It's amazing that people love 'Family Guy' as much as they do. It's great.

I acted in 'Almost Famous.' My album 'Fingerprints' won a Grammy Award in 2007. Even more prestigious, as far as my kids were concerned, I appeared in episodes of 'The Simpsons' and 'Family Guy.'

Even though I'm a family guy, there is something that feels really beautiful about eliminating all children from flying. So, children have to fly on child-only planes. And the pilots have to be children as well.

I have heard nothing from my friends at The Family Guy. Yeah, I heard that they got picked up again and all that good stuff, but I haven't heard anything yet. But, you know, I'm very elusive and hard to contact.

I think 'Family Guy' and 'American Dad' have definitely staked out their own style and territory, and now the accusations are coming that 'The Simpsons' is taking jokes from 'Family Guy.' And I can tell you, that ain't the case.

My mother had no interest in cartoons. I remember thinking, 'I am never going to grow into that person.' Which is so ironic - now I get to work on 'Family Guy' and 'The Simpsons' and 'Futurama', all of these great animated series! TV was my passion.

I've kind of been in a video game, I've kind of been an action figure. It was actually a Barbie doll, so that's why I say kind of, but if I can get made fun of on 'South Park' or 'Family Guy,' then I'll know that I've done something good with my life.

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