I played a guitar with a file, and a synthesizer.

File sharing is our radio; that's the way people hear our stuff.

When the kids are down, I have a drink and watch 'The Kelly File.'

This is your silly web browser doing that. The file is correctly named.

Nostalgia is a file that removes the rough edges from the good old days.

I was convicted of three misdemeanors of willful failure to file a form.

They also can combine voice with instant messaging and online file sharing.

I wanted to have virtual memory, at least as it's coupled with file systems.

One time I had to file the teeth of a carthorse. They're such gentle creatures.

If you file your waste-paper basket for fifty years, you have a public library.

I have a different approach. I don't file lawsuits because I really don't care.

No one can just file a charge and go directly to a jury trial. That just cannot happen.

Rank and file Democrats are very patriotic. They love this country and support the military.

Taxpayers should not be coerced into giving up their privacy rights just to file their taxes.

Anytime you learn something new, you're just trying to file it away - might be useful one day.

The file is a gzipped tar file. Your browser is playing tricks with you and trying to be smart.

I just go to lunch. And I never know when something is going into the file and something is not.

It is the rank and file - the average woman - for whom the world has opened up so astonishingly.

The women who file for bankruptcy played by all the rules, but they are still in economic freefall.

I would first recommend we appoint a Police Director that commands the respect of the rank and file.

Use an accountant the first time you file your taxes after becoming a freelancer. It will be worth it.

I almost went broke. I didn't file bankruptcy, but I had some miserable times there for two or three years.

I love getting cookbooks - people will give them to me, and I read them like novels and file everything away.

I have a file of four million jokes... I have them cross-indexed. Whatever subject you want, I have a joke on it.

People aren't going to support an artist just because they have an audio file. They have to feel a real connection.

I spent much of my life dying for somebody to help me even file for a patent or make a prototype. I understand that.

I have a file of letters and bits of ephemera from friends who have died. I have had lots of friends who died of AIDS.

This filing spike is a result of bad information being pushed on people, and then they file for bankruptcy out of fear.

I assemble my ideas in pieces on a computer file, then gradually find a place for them on a piece of scaffolding I erect.

Minecraft has a terrible sound engine. Imagine a looping sound file that plays for two seconds and then just starts over.

Nobody cares about your autograph. There are cameras everywhere, and there are media outlets for them to 'file their story'.

I still love physical product. I still hold out for actual CDs, because in radio, everyone just wants to send you a file to play.

In masks outrageous and austere, The years go by in single file; But none has merited my fear, And none has quite escaped my smile.

So many people who deal with sexual harassment don't have the means to file lawsuits or to get legal representation or legal advice.

The viewer I picture in my mind when I do 'The Kelly File' is a woman who's had a long day, either with the kids or at work, or both.

I don't really love writing. I don't love the feeling of starting a new file. But I love the feeling of overcoming and accomplishing.

Before I had my heart problem, if I was asked to do something I would look through a mental file looking for reasons why I could say no.

I start a lot of songs and throw them out because the energy is not right. It's almost like the file becomes cursed. I have to delete it.

I was the weirdest kid: I wanted to see the police file - in grade school! I was convinced I could crack the case if I just had that file.

You go and find work wherever it is, and you learn from it. No matter what the experience is, you can always file something away as knowledge.

Liberty never had to file bankruptcy, thanks to God's blessings, but we did go through tough times and painful debt restructuring in the 1990s.

When you file an amicus brief, and you represent a state, the court reads your brief. It is a powerful position to make the legal assault from.

State and federal laws protect whistle-blowers, those who refuse to do something illegal, and workers who file claims for workers' compensation.

I like to think that the Internet and file sharing, if utilized properly and embraced, and I emphasize properly, is a high-powered marketing design.

Most women file for bankruptcy in the aftermath of a serious medical problem, a job loss, or a family break up. It is hard to protect against those.

If you really could fit God in a file, you wouldn't need to believe in God, you know, you'd just go get the file like a box of corn flakes off the shelf.

I've signed many documents as president and CEO as required by law. I signed every single document that we were required to file - every single one of them.

I can write a program that lets you break the copy protection on a music file. But I can't write a program that solders new connections onto a chip for you.

If you have an anecdote from one source, you file it away. If you hear it again, it may be true. Then the more times you hear it the less likely it is to be true.

I write all the time. I always have. I can pick up my horn to warm up, and an idea will pop into my head, and I'll write it down and file it away for another time.

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