Fame should be left to the film stars.

I don't want to comment on other film stars.

I think people connect better with TV. stars over film stars.

It is about time that TV actors were paid as well as film stars.

A lot of film stars are just playing themselves in different frocks.

Film stars and players can be sources of entertainment but never ideals.

I never saw film stars at home. We had no maid, no cook, no swimming pool.

From techies to film stars and kids, everyone is addicted to technology in different ways.

Rather than spend millions getting film stars, I am quite happy to be brand ambassador myself.

In the days of Gary Cooper, James Stewart etc, film stars personified the better aspects of human nature.

Major film stars tend to do a film and then have a couple of months off. I'm not a major film star; I'm a jobbing actor.

There is a whole bunch of great British actors of my age who aren't film stars or theatre actors; they're very much both.

With pop stars or film stars, we become the object of people's self-definition, as well as the object of sexual definition.

I am happy film stars are singing in their films. I hope to work as a music director for a film where actors will sing all the songs.

Why do you act? You act for an audience. In the theatre, you're in their presence. Film stars don't know what it is to have an audience.

You get pigeonholed. Some people are film stars, and some are theatre stars who do one-off telly. Somehow, I get into long-running series.

Pleasure resorts are like film stars and royalty... embarrassed by the figures they cut in the fantasies of people who have never met them.

I am not somebody who feels comfortable socialising at parties where many film stars gather and endlessly chat, because I am quite introverted.

Growing up in Hollywood meant there were a lot of film stars' kids at my school - but no conspicuous wealth. It wasn't cool to show off that you had money.

Players live a different life. They've been blessed. They live in a bubble and they live in a world where they get everything really. They've become film stars.

Mumbai was magical, which I was really surprised by, and I got an insight into the world of Bollywood while hanging out with some Bollywood film stars while there.

I almost choke on my popcorn when I hear film stars, who walk on red carpets as much as the rest of us do on zebra crossings, criticising youngsters who crave fame.

In France and other European countries, film stars are more celebrated. In Germany, if we are good at what we do, we are respected but not acclaimed. And, of course, we are not paid like Americans are.

I knew exactly what I wanted out of my actors - the film stars Ranveer Singh and Sonakshi Sinha in lead roles - and how each shot should look. A large part of 'Lootera' has been shot under tough conditions.

Yet there are film stars like Amitabh Bachchan, Dharmendra who never allowed the mafia to dictate terms to them. But starlets like Monica Bedi used the mafia connection to win stardom and is now paying heavily.

People behave differently to TV stars and film stars; it's to do with the scale of the medium. Film stars get hushed awe, TV stars get slapped on the back. Neither is good for you. Famous people don't hear the word 'no' enough.

When I joined the industry there were mafia like Haji Mastan and Vardharajan. They had a healthy relationship with film stars. Their men never came calling for 'petis' and 'khokas.' In fact they used to felicitate film personalities.

I think India is very passionate about films. It's almost a second religion back home. Due to that, I think film stars are - are really held in great esteem. Not that we're complaining, but I think with that comes a lot of responsibility.

It used to be that film stars didn't want to do TV, and actors weren't singing, and singers weren't acting. Everybody's kind of crossing over to whatever they want to do. So I feel like, if you have it, use it. If God's given you this talent, then use it.

I had been working nonstop for two years and needed a break. Instead of flying or booking myself at the usual holiday spots, we decided to drive across south India. The only thing that changes in the landscape are the posters of film stars and politicians.

I'm an enormous admirer of Christopher Lee. He's somebody, along with Vincent Price, who I celebrate, and I wanted my movies to show that celebration and that honoring of these great film stars that were unafraid to go into horror and Grand Guignol and the macabre.

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