The finest workers in stone are not copper or steel tools, but the ...

The finest workers in stone are not copper or steel tools, but the gentle touches of air and water working at their leisure with a liberal allowance of time.

The finest wits have their sediment.

I don't like to sell my finest pieces.

The finest fury is the most controlled.

The finest poetry was first experience.

The finest pleasure is kindness to others.

The NYPD, they're the finest in the world.

Derek Jacobi is probably our finest actor.

The finest mode of transport known to man.

To money, the finest linguist in the world!

His finest hour lasted a minute and a half.

Conceit is the finest armour a man can wear.

The Mohammedan religion is the finest of all.

The presence of God is the finest of rewards.

I am the finest defensive player in the game.

Dan Gerber is one of our finest living poets.

The finest woman that ever walked the streets.

The Great Gatsby, the finest novel ever written.

Our finest flowers are often weeds transplanted.

A stunner…reminds me of Tom Clancy at his finest.

The finest edge is made with the blunt whetstone.

Every good jam tart deserves the finest preserve.

The White House is the finest prison in the world.

One of life's finest things is enjoying your food.

We have the finest military personnel in the world.

There is the finest line between data and evidence.

Harley-Davidson is the finest company in the world.

The finest steel has to go through the hottest fire.

The finest eloquence is that which gets things done.

Our Congress is the finest body of men money can buy.

We are at our finest when we take care of each other.

If the finest hour is now, then I'll always be in it.

The finest day i ever had was when tomorrow never came.

The finest of pleasures are always the unexpected ones.

One of the finest magicians you can see is David Oliver.

Some of our finest work comes through service to others.

All artists are crackpots. And it's their finest feature.

I think I have the finest body of work of any American actor.

Even the finest workman needs to inspect his work critically.

The finest minds, like the finest metals, dissolve the easiest.

The Steinway pianos of today are the finest I have ever played.

The finest command of language is often shown by saying nothing.

The finest poems of the world have been expedients to get bread.

Her passions are made of nothing but the finest part of pure love

The finest emotion of which we are capable is the mystic emotion.

You can't do the finest work of your career staying in your city.

He has the finest, fundamentally sound golf swing I've ever seen.

The finest language is mostly made up of simple unimposing words.

The gold iridescent 'Naked' outfit is perhaps not my finest moment.

There's nothing like watching basketball being played at its finest.

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