A crazy man finishes in the cemetery.

I'll greatly miss 'Poldark' when it finishes.

Everything starts and finishes with the soldier.

Tests with India always produce some great finishes.

Genius begins great works; labor alone finishes them.

With 20 top-10 finishes, I feel we're on the right path.

It's not so important who starts the game but who finishes it.

Whoever finishes a revolution only halfway, digs his own grave.

An artist never really finishes his work, he merely abandons it.

We don't want people to leave the stadium until the game finishes.

I think I just want to have a career I can be proud of, whenever it finishes.

My report card always said, 'Jim finishes first and then disrupts the other students'.

There is a substantial correlation between an election year and how the market finishes.

An invention has to make sense in the world it finishes in, not in the world it started.

It is a paradox that as we reach out prime, we also see there is a place where it finishes.

If a young person has any idealism at all, it's strongest about the time he finishes college.

With beauty, I think one never finishes it. I'm always exploring. I like the concept of change.

My day starts with my son and finishes with my son, and in between, I get to do everything else.

I need more left-footed goals. And shooting from outside the box - I need more variance of finishes.

I feel like I've definitely let some good finishes go because of pushing too hard at the wrong time.

There's a lot of bunch finishes, which are hectic and kind of dangerous; you need a lot of luck to win those.

The way I do it is there's never recording 'sessions.' One finishes, the next one starts. It's just continuous.

I don't know why we have this flair for having dramatic finishes, but we've definitely had a few through the years.

At the end of the day, you have to get finishes. If you want to be successful in this industry that's what you need.

You know what they call the fellow who finishes last in his medical school graduating class? They call him 'Doctor.'

When we go to the pitch, that's all we want to do - we want to win - and when the game finishes, if you win, you go home happy.

Every time you're involved in an Ashes series, as soon as it finishes at the back of your mind you start thinking about the next one.

Everyone remembers the winner; nobody remembers who finishes second. But quite a lot, I seem to be right around the hunt with nine holes to play.

As soon as a job finishes, I am done with it. When I'm really, really enjoying the job, I love the job, I want it to end because it's supposed to.

A lot of fashion might seem boring, but it is actually quite fun: the inside, the outside, the silhouette... All the different finishes. That's a skill.

I think a playwright realizes after he finishes working on the script that this is only the beginning. What will happen when it moves into three dimensions?

I just don't really like starting a job if I don't know where it finishes. I want to know where something begins and ends so that you can invest something in it.

I've played in successful sides, and you smell it. When dinner finishes at 7:45 P.M., and you're playing in an unsuccessful side, everyone goes up to their own room.

Yeah, right. I mean, he criticises everybody in the media, then the first thing he does when he finishes is he goes to work for the media. Thompson, too. Hypocritical.

As I get better competition, I guarantee that more finishes are gonna come, because I'll really get to use more of my skill, rather than me knowing that I'm so much better than the guy.

Don't build a bar for yourself. Build it for your customers. It's all about them: the walls, the finishes, the textures, the food, the beverages, literally everything has to be for them.

But this is what I want to do, and it is what I will continue doing until Judas Priest finishes, which, at the moment, I can't see that yet. It could be three years or five years, who knows?

The word 'carer' makes me think of someone with a nylon overall and a long list of 'clients' to wash before she finishes her shift. A companion was something unique. A kind of live-in friend.

Absolutely, Dhoni inspires me. He does it for wicket-keeping and batting both. He is a great keeper. I idolise him. The way he finishes an innings I would like to do the same for Pakistan too.

Once our season finishes in November, a lot of players maybe take a couple of weeks off and start training for the next year. You often usually have only a little time to work on your game and stuff.

Some things that started in pre-season and then, you know what, the season gets started, you kind of forget about it and then move on to football, and it's strictly football until the season finishes.

When Jimmie Johnson goes out early and finishes 35th, as he did Sunday, he can look at the cameras, lament about it being a tough day, and then say, 'We'll just try to get them next week at Darlington.'

It's hard for anyone in the 24-hour news cycles that we all live in now to follow something that the first round is played in March and the final finishes in December. I understand the challenges there.

I have my routine. In the evenings I watch 'Seinfeld' and 'Frasier.' That finishes about 11.30 and then I go to bed. I get up at eight o'clock every day, and I'm on the phone straight away, doing business.

I went into a church and simply said, 'Goodbye.' It is the terrible unfairness of life. How could God allow cancer, poverty, the sheer unfairness of so many lives? That is the question which finishes it for me.

When your move with your left hand can be just as potent as your right hand, I think that's pretty special. I think that's why Kyrie's the best, because he finishes so well around the rim with his left or right.

My design process never starts or finishes. I am always hoping to find something through the mere act of living my daily life. I do not work from a desk and do not have an exact starting point for any collection.

The labor of keeping house is labor in its most naked state, for labor is toil that never finishes, toil that has to be begun again the moment it is completed, toil that is destroyed and consumed by the life process.

My goal is to produce as rich and historical an experience for the reader as I possibly can, to the point where when somebody finishes reading the book, he or she emerges from it with a sense of having lived in the past.

The time frame is summer 1961, a year after the gold medal in the National Science Fair. I always saw my 'Coalwood' books as a trilogy. This book finishes the story of my life in Coalwood. I think it's the best of the three.

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