I wish I was fitter.

You can be even fitter at 60 than you were at 20.

Food is an important element of maintaining a fitter body.

Physically, I feel extremely well, perhaps fitter than ever.

Getting stronger and fitter by playing games is only going to help me.

Clients become very attached to the fitter who they feel understands them.

I had a job when I was 16 at a gas fitter, which was a bit like a pipe fitter.

I'm fitter than I've ever been, I'm actually very, very healthy and I'm happy.

I think it's a long-time process when you are trying to get fitter and fitter.

My father left school at 14 and became a fitter. He didn't want to be at school.

I know that when I'm fitter, I breathe better. If I breathe better, I can eat more.

Shame is a fitter and generally a more effectual punishment for a child than beating.

Darts players are probably a lot fitter than most footballers in overall body strength.

I'm getting fitter, and I have more confidence. I feel like I'm getting better every game.

Authority without wisdom is like a heavy ax without an edge, fitter to bruise than polish.

If I can force my winger backwards, it just comes down to who's fitter, and I like to think I'm pretty fit.

I'm always trying to improve whether by being more consistent, accurate, fitter or able to bowl longer spells.

I've played a lot of games, and automatically, if I play a lot of games, I feel fitter, much stronger, and good.

In mine opinion, love is fitter than fear, gentleness better than beating, to bring up a child rightly in learning.

There's enough data showing that the fitter you are, the better you eat, the more likely you are to stay healthy longer.

I got fitter when I did 'Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.' I wore a loincloth - that's a lot of motivation!

India needs better singles players to progress as a tennis nation. They need to develop, be physically fitter and stronger.

Being a health freak, Sangram has made me a lot healthier and fitter, as he has turned me into a vegan and even makes me gym every day.

Getting fitter is just like getting a new haircut. It changes the way you look and also changes your outlook towards a lot of things in life.

I certainly look at the modern guys and think they are a different species to when we played. They are fitter and their conditioning is extraordinary.

People may say I developed an iron will, but what really happened is that I made myself much fitter. I think an iron will is always supported by fitness.

Windsurfers are fitter than sailors. We're so much more kinetic. In some boats, you can literally sit there and smoke your pipe - it's much more civilised!

These youngsters coming into the sport are bright lads. They see how much money there is now and they realise you've got to be fitter and stronger than the others.

My emergence has been slow and steady, I would say. I think I've improved every single year. I keep getting better; I keep getting fitter, sharper - and I'm not stopping.

Mistresses are like books; if you pore upon them too much, they doze you and make you unfit for company; but if used discreetly, you are the fitter for conversation by em.

People work out so hard for even 10 years and still aren't able to achieve the body they wish for. But luckily, my body type helped me lose weight really fast, and I became fitter.

The majority of players are serious about being fitter. They are drinking diet coke instead of lager in the practice room and if I'm going to stay ahead, that's what I'll have to do.

I want to get fitter. And yes, I'm learning hot yoga to get a bikini body. I don't believe one has to sport a size-zero figure to flaunt it. One just needs a fit, sexy and toned body.

English football is very different, and I had to adapt to it much more than I would have had if I had stayed in the Russian league. But after a season, I felt a lot better, a lot fitter.

For one thing, vegetarians are, on average, fitter and trimmer than meat-eaters are, so the best thing that young people who want to look their best can do is to keep meat off their plates.

You get fitter as you get older because the mind has the ability to get stronger if you allow it, so with a stronger mind you can become fitter. The body is second because the body follows the mind.

Earlier in my career, I used to spend a lot of time practising my tennis on court. Now I've learned that it's better to do just a couple of hours on court and two gym sessions a day. That's what's made me fitter and stronger.

The overwhelming success of San Antonio B-Cycle has proven that San Antonio is a model city for bike-sharing, and as we work toward creating a fitter city, the bike-share program encourages a more active and healthy lifestyle.

When I go to the gym I never do cardio, it doesn't really work for me. It makes you fitter and it makes your stamina better, so it's better for your heart, but for me weights and resistance training is what sculpts your body so I do that.

For the greater beauty of the instrument, the balls representing the planets are to be of considerable bigness; but so contrived, that they may be taken off at pleasure, and others, much smaller, and fitter for some purposes, put in their places.

There isn't any great mystery about me. What I do is glamorous and has an awful lot of white-hot attention placed on it. But the actual work requires the same discipline and passion as any job you love doing, be it as a very good pipe fitter or a highly creative artist.

If Jermain Taylor was a bit fitter and he had a bit more steam in the tank towards the end, he might have survived and won on points, but he didn't have any energy left in the tank, because I sapped it out of him. I absolutely punched holes in him for the last three rounds.

I need to get better as a player, I need to get fitter, and I need to get better on the mental side. It's exciting for me, because there's so much I could do better. I don't feel like I've really maxed out any shot. People talk about my serve, but I think that can even get better.

There are some people who might have better technique than me, and some may be fitter than me, but the main thing is tactics. With most players, tactics are missing. You can divide tactics into insight, trust, and daring. In the tactical area, I think I just have more than most other players.

Good diet and exercise are key, but abject fear has its own rewards. And arriving on the first day for rehearsals for 'Spamalot' and seeing all these much younger, much fitter people, who I was going to be on stage with, became a catalyst for cutting out the more unhealthy aspects of my life.

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