Life is a tragedy full of joy.

Don’t let anyone steal your milk.

Follow your heart, and you perish.

I learned always to follow your heart.

follow your heart! (sppotedleafs motto)

Follow your heart. Just don't get lost.

Don't follow a trend. Follow your heart.

Listen to advice, but follow your heart.

Follow your heart and you won't get lost.

Follow your heart because it always knows.

There are no rules. Just follow your heart.

You can choose to follow your heart always.

Follow your heart and make it your decision.

Follow your heart and your mind will create.

Follow your heart but take your brain with you.

Follow your heart, but check it with your head.

Don't follow in my footsteps; follow your heart.

You can't live a lie. You have to follow your heart.

Follow your heart, and listen when it speaks to you.

Initiative is doing the right thing without being told.

Is there room in my heart for you to follow your heart?

I'm responsive to my public, but I also follow my heart.

I think it's important to have a dream and to follow your heart.

When you follow your heart, you always win and it feels so good.

It's important to be involved and stand up for what you believe in.

The secret of success is… to be fully awake to everything about you.

If you're following your heart, you're moving in the right direction.

Break the rules, stand apart, ignore your head, and follow your heart.

You were born with everything you need to answer the call of your soul.

Follow that will and that way which experience confirms to be your own.

Don't talk yourself out of following your heart. Talk yourself into it.

You do have to follow your heart, otherwise you're living a false life.

Follow your heart always, and remember to take your head along with you.

Just follow your heart and you'll see no one can love you as much as me.

That's what life is - you follow where your heart leads you - at least I do.

Never forget that the most political thing you can ever do is follow your heart.

Follow your heart. Make sure whatever you wear makes you feel sexy and confident.

If you follow your heart, you're going to find that it is often extremely inconvenient.

Follow your heart. It rarely leads you astray. It's thinking that gets us into trouble.

There will be a time when you are forced to follow your heart away from someone you love.

Take people's advice and guidance in the beginning, but always follow your instincts first

Follow what you are genuinely passionate about and let that guide you to your destination.

Get into your own creativity. Sketch and paint with different mediums and follow your heart.

Really try to follow what it is that you want to do and what your heart is telling you to do.

Crave for a thing, you will get it. Renounce the craving, the object will follow you by itself.

If you want your checkbook to follow your heart, make a donation to those doing work you support.

Appreciate what you've got and follow your heart and you're all good. Don't over-complicate things.

Follow your heart, Ithilnin," Albirich repeated. "Time is precious. Don't waste it living someone else's life.

Trite as it sounds, follow your heart. Persevere. And if you follow your heart and persevere, it will pay off.

I'm here to spread a message of hope. Follow your heart. Don't follow what you've been told you're supposed to do.

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