Never let a fool kiss you, or a kiss fool you.

To be a fool at the right time is also an art.

The greatest fools are oft the most satisfied.

It is a fool of a shepherd who culls his dogs.

He who quotes himself has a fool for a source.

In a drama, you don't make a fool of yourself.

Love's for fools wise enough to take a chance.

A liar lies to others. A fool lies to herself.

Science is a way for us to not fool ourselves.

Only a fool has no regrets and I'm not a fool.

It is the fool who thinks he cannot be fooled.

By their own follies they perished, the fools.

Being judgmental is cheap. Any fool can do it.

Men may live fools, but fools they cannot die.

It is well to be born either a king or a fool.

Of course she is a fool, but so are all girls.

Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.

Fools follow rules when the set commands ya...

Fools carry their daggers in their open mouths.

To Jane Austen, every fool is a treasure trove.

No person can fool all the people all the time.

What have you done when you have bested a fool?

Only a fool worries over what he can’t control.

I suffer fools gladly because I am one of them.

Hey, I fool the camera. I'm a liar, a magician.

The man who isn't a pessimist is a damned fool.

Fools boast of what they will do. Heroes do it.

Almost everybody's happy to be a fool for love.

More fools know Jack Fool than Jack Fool knows.

Only a fool thinks price and value are the same.

Men under stress are fools, and fool themselves.

How many fools does it take to make up a public?

The older I get, the less I suffer fools gladly.

Optimism can keep a fool from accepting failure.

One wise man's verdict outweighs all the fools'.

Sometimes a fool has talent, but never judgment.

When you want to fool the world, tell the truth.

A man that extols himself is a fool and an idiot

A sensible woman can never be happy with a fool.

I try to be unafraid of making a fool of myself.

Therefore the blind Jews are truly stupid fools.

You can't fool me. There ain't no Sanity Clause!

Fools make researches and wise men exploit them.

Tomorrow is only found in the calendar of fools.

Nothing fools people as much as extreme passion.

I may be a fool, but I intend to be a live fool.

Ah, fool! faint heart fair lady ne'er could win.

Don't Let them fool you or even try to school you

Those who realise their folly are not true fools.

A fool always finds a greater fool to admire him.

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