Football is a sad game.

This ain't a football game, we do this every day.

You don't boo at a Kemp rally. You boo at football games.

God ain't got nothing to do with winning a damn football game.

I turned pro as a wrestler a few days after my last football game.

The sound of a golf game is very different than the sound of a football game.

I'm Joe Canada, who never went to high school. I've never even been to a football game.

I work out more during a full four hours of a football game than I ever do in my workouts.

If you'd rather go to the football game than read a comic, that's fine. I'd rather do both.

I applaud anyone who comes to a football game, given the finances - it's not an easy thing to do.

And I coached against Mike when he was an assistant with the Bears and they won that football game.

I went to a football game, and people were shouting my dad's name, and I was like, 'What? Oh my God.'

There's nothing more pathetic than listening to a football game over the Internet, but I've done that.

I watch HGTV like a maniac, and when it's bad, it's like some crazy college guy watching a football game.

I never really gambled - certainly not playing poker. I'd casually bet on a football game or joined a pool.

My primary focus is going into a football game and having a turnover-free football game. That's my primary focus.

How can you go from a free-flowing football game for 90 minutes to stopping for one or two minutes for a decision?

I used to go play football matches in the morning, and I'd go straight from me football game to a dance competition.

I'd rather spend my Sunday doing just about anything other than watching a football game - unless it's the Super Bowl.

It doesn't feel good in the NFL when you lose a football game until you get out there and win another one and another one.

I don't if I can handle not being on the sideline and being part of a team trying to win a football game on Friday nights.

I think there's so many areas within the football game that women are being more involved in, and I think it's great to see.

I'm a 24-year-old, and I enjoy my life, and winning a football game is the most enjoyable thing I've ever experienced in my life.

There's times in a football game where a team goes for a big TD pass. If you don't take a risk like that, you're not going to win.

The Georgia Dome was my home field, brother. There's no question about it. I played my first football game there as an Atlanta Falcon.

My perfect first date? Maybe a concert or a football game. That would be my ideal first date, but would the girl like it? I don't know.

It's funny, you'll probably find me more often watching soccer than a football game, because I get enough football in my daily schedule.

High on the list of things I've been meaning to do since I moved to New York in 2004 is going up to a Columbia University football game.

I've always tried to be a complete athlete and not limit myself to one position or one sport. It really helped mold my whole football game.

I love sporting events and popcorn and pizza and being outside, like at a baseball or football game. I love amusement parks, going to ride roller coasters.

Don't misunderstand,' he said, 'there's pressure with every football game… Sometimes players, coaches, teams put pressure on themselves when they don't have to.

You have to know what club you are playing for, or you just play for yourself. Every time I put on a Liverpool shirt, I know it is more than just a football game.

In the end, the Super Bowl is just a football game. You try to take a couple of big, deep breaths and convince yourself it's just another game. You try to, anyway.

Any football game, you can be hit one way or another. It's not the safest sport that we play; it's a beautifully violent game, and that's what, in part, I love about it.

Through school, I saw plenty of theatre my parents weren't necessarily up on. They would prefer a football game to watching 'The Nutcracker,' and that's fine. I enjoy both.

I don't understand people who spend their twenties hanging out in bars and going to football game. That stuff is so boring compared to really applying yourself to what you do.

If you were ever to interview me after a football game or at a football game or around me during football season is totally different than when you catch me away from football.

Me and Coach Koetter have a great relationship, first and foremost, and we've got the same goal when we go out there on that football field - and that's to win the football game.

You can't let injuries dictate the outcome of a football game. You have to persevere and keep fighting. That is how we are. If there is a blade of grass to defend or take, we do it.

I used to approach writing like a football game. If I went out there and aggressively saw more, I'd know more, and I'd capture more, and I'd write better. Hut, hut, hut: First down and haiku!

As a quarterback, you have to love it. As much as you like to turn around and hand the ball off - the whole traditional football game - as a quarterback, you gotta love putting it in the air.

I always suggest something fast and simple so you have more time to share with friends; and when we think of the ultimate food to serve for a football game, only one thing comes to mind - wings!

With my father, there was one baseball game, one football game, one fishing trip. You got one of everything. And that was all you got. It was enough, though, and I adored him. He was a god to me.

I've been writing since I was sixteen. At first, I wrote mostly short stories and poetry. The first thing I ever had published was a poem about a football game. It was printed in my local newspaper.

'At Random' ran on Saturday nights for as long as the conversation was still lively. Sometimes, I'd finish way after midnight, then hop a plane for whatever city I was working a football game that Sunday.

I have kids. I can't hardly watch an afternoon football game with them without having to turn off the TV during the commercials. It's too much. I don't know when violence was deemed such a cinematic thing.

I probably watch less than one hour of television a week. And when I do watch television, it's usually a football game. Sometimes I'll watch a news broadcast for a few minutes. Otherwise, I don't have time.

I don't think it's fair to 12-, 13- and 14-year-olds to say 'Show us you're a winner right now!' Winning isn't everything. I'll never buy that thing that if a boy loses a football game, he's a loser in life.

Corporate documents, like football game plans, are not easily drafted in a stadium, with thousands of very interested fans participating, each with their own red pencil, trying to reach a consensus on every word.

And we have not found any generational gap at all. If he wants to go a football game, he goes. If I want to go to a fashion show, I go. We don't have to do everything together. But we like doing most things together.

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