I have gone to the forest.

A forest bird never wants a cage.

The heart of another is a dark forest.

AIDS is the revenge of the rain forest.

The No. 1 cause of forest fires is trees.

The death of the forest is the end of our life.

When you go into a forest, anything can happen.

A fire in a forest is alive with terror and power.

Anywhere which is in a forest, that's my zen place.

I had great friends, support and teaching at Wake Forest.

Sadly, it's much easier to create a desert than a forest.

The forest restoration campaign is a war to ameliorate nature.

I love the quiet forest that stands between my lab and my home.

I weren't an actor, I'd be a wildlife biologist or forest ranger.

Even if one tree falls down it wouldn't affect the entire forest.

I love the forest. It is the place where you hear yourself better.

The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.

A forest of these trees is a spectacle too much for one man to see.

If you tell a joke in the forest, but nobody laughs, was it a joke?

I walk slowly into myself, through a forest of empty suits of armor.

Prescott National Forest is right on the edge of my home in Arizona.

The path of sound credence is through the thick forest of skepticism.

I am as frustrated with society as a pyromaniac in a petrified forest.

I can't see the forest through the trees, except the trees are people.

You wait until the forest fire is on your front step before you step up.

The grandeur and strength or our people and democracy are as big as a forest.

Save the elephants, and then you save the forest - and then you save yourself.

All the beasts in Howling Forest were safe in their caves, nests, and burrows.

Have you ever walked late at night through a forest when you are first in love?

The parish of Selborne, by taking in so much of the forest, is a vast district.

We must not always talk in the market-place of what happens to us in the forest.

I started at Nottingham Forest cleaning toilets and scrubbing the shower floors.

Waste paper is like a forest - paper recycles itself, generation after generation.

Liberalism is a cancer; it's a forest fire; it destroys every single thing it touches.

Even if I told my mom I wanted to be a clown or live in the forest, she would be down.

I am a normal guy from the Black Forest, and I do not compare myself with the geniuses.

The Forest of Arden, where I grew up, is where 'As You Like It' is set. It was idyllic.

I met Forest Whitaker on 'Our Family Wedding' and we struck up a real bond and friendship.

I was a beach boy, and I believe I learned my songs from the birds of the Brazilian forest.

I was a home-schooled kid, living in the forest, and I didn't even have cable. I'm serious.

The heart of another is a dark forest, always, no matter how close it has been to one's own.

If the tongue had not been framed for articulation, man would still be a beast in the forest.

If a man is talking in the forest, and there is no woman there to hear him, is he still wrong?

My favorite thing to do in the summer was to sleep out in the forest on the farm I grew up on.

We are aware only of the empty space in the forest, which only yesterday was filled with trees.

I want the Forest Service to look at a vista with scenery, not only at lumber with a price tag.

The world's a forest, in which all lose their way; though by a different path each goes astray.

Wake Forest came knocking on the door, and I accepted that offer. It changed my life completely.

In America the most widespread type of forest is the evergreen coniferous woodland of the north.

To be honest with you, the forest resonates with me more, like instinctually, than the sea does.

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