True friendship is a promise you keep forever.

How can hip hop be dead if Wu-Tang is forever?

Forever is a big word. I'm not going anywhere.

I'm going to live forever. Geniuses don't die.

Some secrets are meant to stay secret forever.

To good and true love fear is forever affixed.

Fashion comes and goes but style lasts forever

A woman / who loves a woman / is forever young.

To good and true love, fear is forever affixed.

When you can live forever what do you live for?

Everything you do matters to all of us forever.

She's a tear that hangs inside my soul forever.

Success is not forever and failure isn't fatal.

I would do anything to stay beside you forever.

I don't want Burma to be a basket case forever.

The madmen seem to live on forever, don't they?

God stands revealed or remains forever unknown.

Holly Hunter has been doing great work forever.

Sometimes the people we meet change us forever.

David Moyes is someone I'm forever indebted to.

Nothing lasts forever - not even your troubles.

I would like to live forever if it was possible.

A bone heals, a bruise fades, but art is forever

I wonder how you say goodbye to someone forever?

Maybe some people just had trouble with forever.

The taste forever refines in the study of women.

Discourse is fleeting, but junk mail is forever.

I nod. Young love is not always forever. I know.

A garden is a thing of beauty and a job forever.

Ignorance can be cured, but stupidity is forever

Any parting could be forever, and we don't know.

The stock market can be fooled, but not forever.

I live in cinema. I feel I've lived here forever.

Do not try to live forever. You will not succeed.

He could lose himself in her forever, he thought.

Suffering is temporary, enlightenment is forever.

We are not going to keep the window open forever.

We want to live forever, and we're getting there.

Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.

Nobody lives forever and I've had a blessed life.

Greatness once and forever has down with opinion.

Life goes on forever like the gnawing of a mouse.

He that lives to live forever, never fears dying.

I’d wait forever for you, as long as you’re mine.

Those who live to live forever, never fear dying.

Life is just too short to count calories forever!

The Latina in me is an ember that blazes forever.

Nothing lasts forever but the certainty of change

Reflection is a scene that I will cherish forever.

Talking is good. Conversations have to be forever.

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