I am forever grateful for 'Cheers.'

Thus we live, forever taking leave.

Time is not your enemy, forever is.

The heart is forever inexperienced.

The fall takes no time and forever.

You can't be a 25-year-old forever.

The age of miracles is forever here.

Some roles have been with me forever

I would hate to be immortal forever.

Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.

What happens to you here is forever.

I've been writing forever, 20 years.

What came is gone forever every time

I am forever living in my childhood.

Beauty fades. Your spirit is forever.

Rascals, do you want to live forever?

Only the dead stay seventeen forever.

What you were is forever who you are.

Why was I born, if it wasn't forever?

Life is short, but art lives forever.

It's only forever... Not long at all.

Passion can’t sustain itself forever.

Good design is ubiquitous and forever.

Tennis just a game, family is forever.

Style lasts forever and taste doesn't.

Men come and go but bills are forever.

A beaten general is disgraced forever.

Diamonds are forever, my youth is not.

It takes forever if you go by inertia.

One doesn't remain a teenager forever.

Friends are forever Boys are whatever.

Marriage is forever. It's like cement.

We are becoming who we will be-forever.

Our favorite holding period is forever.

Bring me a horse and I am yours forever

I'm probably going to forever be weird.

I miss singing. I did Broadway forever.

God, I hope I wear this jersey forever.

Money can run out but talent is forever

Do it for joy and you can do it forever

You cannot hide your true self forever.

Garden as though you will live forever.

All cultures have been mingled forever.

What is once well done is done forever.

Invest time that will compound forever.

A quote about drinking is a joy forever

Victory is fleeting. Losing is forever.

Liberty for each, for all, and forever!

Ignorance is curable, stupid is forever.

I intend to live forever, or die trying.

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