Injustice never rules forever.

Believe in me and die forever.

Rogues, would you live forever?

A person doesn't mourn forever.

Forever and forever and forever

My heart is forever in Giverny.

Life is short, death is forever

I've been a sports fan forever.

You can't do something forever.

I am forever a Cleveland Brown.

Let's fly away and live forever

Beauty fades, stupid is forever.

Forever 21 is my American Dream.

At this rate, I'll live forever.

A good product can last forever.

Once upon a time' lasts forever.

I've been thinking about forever

The Shadow-maker shapes forever.

Nothing lasts forever. Should I?

Forever is a very long time Peter

Even nothing cannot last forever.

I intend to act forever if I can.

The half-life of love is forever.

I am forever grateful for Cheers.

Metal rusts, music lasts forever.

Turkey will be in Cyprus forever.

Que Quowle" -stay with me forever-

The Hall of Fame is forever, baby!

I'm forever a part of pop culture.

...on forever's very now we stand.

Learn as if you will live forever.

You're burned into my mind forever

Artist awake or be forever fallen.

Only the impossible lasts forever.

My goal is to forever do stand up.

A good song receives love forever.

A true friend is forever a friend.

Unjust rule does not last forever.

The blackness of darkness, forever.

Nothing is forever...nothing lasts.

Pain is temporary, film is forever.

A thing of beauty is a job forever.

Hard work can't be ignored forever.

Being a mom has changed me forever.

I am forever learning and changing.

A thing of beauty is a boy forever.

Vidal Sassoon changed hair forever.

Forever only takes its toll on some

I can't be the candy queen forever.

You and I are gonna live forever...

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