Everything remains unsettled forever, depend on it

Money can be made later, but time is lost forever.

This is what I know: people's hopes go on forever.

When you make a great record, it's around forever.

High school and equality are forever incompatible.

Your nightmares follow you like a shadow, forever.

Sieges weathered, fight together, friends forever.

Shun an angry man for a moment-your enemy forever.

I may be in timeout forever. But I hope not to be.

Don`t promise me forever, just love me day by day.

When you make a great record, it's around forever.

No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.

Friendships come and go, but families are forever.

And as a true athlete, mistakes haunt you forever.

Men cannot live forever But they must die forever.

I could have gone on flying through space forever.

To draw something is to try to capture it forever.

The dance goes on forever. So shall I. So shall we.

When I was labeled stupid, that scarred me forever.

I will ge glad to have done with this life forever.

White for light. White for love. White for forever.

What does one do about the dead? They live forever.

Sustainability takes forever. And that's the point.

Don't be intimidated by my outfit, it's Forever 21.

When I was seventeen, my life changed forever . . .

...forever is hard enough without it beginning now.

Some things don't last forever, but some things do.

We all get old together/And we all get old forever.

Drink from me and live forever. Lestat de Lioncourt

I believe that the Jewish state will exist forever.

Success is not forever, and failure is never final.

Nothing is forever, if you have enough power tools.

Live each day as your last, and tomorrow is forever

Good because I want you too. Now. Forever. Just you

Bad times are indelible. They stay with you forever.

To be ignorant of the past is to be forever a child.

Politics may come and go, but Greed goes on forever.

I don't wanna be alone forever but I can be tonight.

you can't just heely away from your problems forever

This is all yours, forever. It's all yours, forever!

Peter will have a place in this brotherhood forever.

A dreamer lives forever, And a toiler dies in a day.

I intend to live forever. So far, so good. - T-SHIRT

I would study, I would know, I would admire forever.

The blizzard doesn't last forever; it just seems so.

Never' is too much of a word. Nothing lasts forever.

Tell the truth once and for all and shut up forever.

People are forever finding something wrong with you.

Be vigilant, for nothing one achieves lasts forever.

Jews are a perverse people, accursed by God forever.

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