When I fall in love, it will be forever.

Once you read, you will be free forever.

Dogs are forever in the push up postion.

Pain is only temporary, glory is forever

You dont have to live forever just live.

I could talk about Blade Runner forever.

I will love you truly forever and a day!

You don't have to stay anywhere forever.

Trends come and go, but cool is forever.

Knowledge will forever govern ignorance.

Doing anything worthwhile takes forever.

I think forever is an incorrect concept.

If you do it right, it will last forever.

Power can shape 'truth,' but not forever.

Stories live forever. Storytellers don't.

I have been a Jack Albertson fan forever.

His time's forever, everywhere his place.

Things that can't go on forever... don't.

We don't live forever... Our legacy does.

Forever in debt to your priceless advice.

He who makes time precious lives forever.

Win now, and we'll walk together forever.

The one in front of the gun lives forever

Always and Forever is a Grandmothers love

I want to be with you forever and beyond.

I want you forever, not just for tonight.

Well, you know, I'm the forever optimist.

Come on, you Do you want to live forever?

Give guilt - the gift that lasts forever.

I intend to live forever. So far, so good.

To dare, and again dare, and forever dare!

I'm going to live forever, or die trying !

Diamonds are forever, and so is Ric Flair!

I'm a fan of H&M, Topshop, and Forever 21.

One play can change your momentum forever.

Proof that no investment is yours forever.

Photograph each day so we can live forever

Bones mend. Regret stays with you forever.

One decision can change your life forever.

My good opinion once lost is lost forever.

This Forest eats itself and lives forever.

Ignorance can be cured. Stupid is forever.

...the moron who thought love was forever.

Sunday school don't make you cool forever.

What love we've given, we'll have forever.

Nobody lives forever, but we all shine on.

I'd rather die terrified than live forever.

You can knock on a deaf man's door forever.

Conformists die, but heretics live forever.

Music has been my greatest passion forever.

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