Grace is the beauty of form under the influence of freedom.

Visualizing information is a form of knowledge compression.

The only possible form of exercise is to talk, not to walk.

To forget one's purpose is the commonest form of stupidity.

It is through the imagination that the formless takes form.

Complimenting yourself is the funnest form of manifestation.

Drawing is not the same as form, it is a way of seeing form.

I believe that the greatest form of prayer is praise to God.

Ethanol is, in its pure form, just as much of a sham as oil.

war is a ferocious form of insanity. Nothing can justify it.

Quiet, deep breath after any prayer is another form of Amen.

Form follows profit is the aesthetic principle of our times.

Everything of real value is in my financial disclosure form.

Love is the attempt to form a friendship inspired by beauty.

Among all forms of mistake, prophecy is the most gratuitous.

Don't grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.

Bing was always hesitant to accept appreciation in any form.

Art is form struggling to wake from the nightmare of nature.

Of all forms of human error, prophesy is the most avoidable.

Mere form without substance must collapse of its own weight.

I wanted to explore sound, rather than composition and form.

Jazz is not gonna be a dinosaur and stay around in one form.

To a starving man, God can only appear in the form of bread.

[Kindness] is a most edifying form of instant gratification.

When you fail by your own standards, it's a form of success.

Patience, n. A minor form of dispair, disguised as a virtue.

Materialism is the only form of distraction from true bliss.

I love forms beyond my own, and regret the borders between us

Nothing is more beautiful than a line that brings out a form.

Being cultured is the least expensive form of respectability.

It's a cowardly form of politics to use my spouse to beat me.

Freedom came in strange forms and from unexpected directions.

Energy cannot be destroyed. It just takes on different forms.

Evil is limited. One cannot form A scheme for universal evil.

I think dance in any culture, in any form, is a true leveler.

Telling the truth without sensitivity can be a form of abuse.

You will always exist in the universe in one form or another.

I am the form and I am the hollow, the thrust and the contour

Advanced life-forms, my seweet patootie. Jerks. Both of them.

In all forms of government the people is the true legislator.

Autobiography is probably the most respectable form of lying.

The temptation shared by all forms of intelligence: cynicism.

Worker ownership is only one form of democratizing ownership.

Compassion is the greatest form of love humans have to offer.

Faith makes us, and not we it; and faith makes its own forms.

Boasting is the outward form of the inner condition of pride.

Music is a very personal and emotional form of communication.

There are as many forms of love as there are moments in time.

agony sometimes changes form but it never ceases for anybody.

Love is a form of prejudice. I have too many other prejudices.

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