pleasure, n. The least hateful form of dejection.

Imitation is the sincerest form of show business.

Civilization in its present form hasn't got long.

So experience of other dance forms is a good idea.

To Norwegians, the polka is a form of martial art.

Anyone who ghettoizes any form of media is a fool.

Smiling is one of the highest forms of meditation.

The silent pictures were the purest form of cinema

Global governance need not take a democratic form.

I like films to be complete in their written form.

Every form of strength is also a form of weakness.

Games are the most elevated form of investigation.

Gifts come from above in their own peculiar forms.

To the mediocre, mediocrity is a form of happiness.

I cling to depression, thinking it a form of truth.

The form is so malleable and can do so many things.

Own your beauty whatever shape or form it comes in.

Inspiration takes many forms, but it's rarely pure.

The highest form of pure thought is in mathematics.

Principles are a dangerous form of social dynamite.

The seeker's silence is the loudest form of prayer.

Laughter is a bubbly, effervescent form of holiness

Bronze in the mirror of the form, wine of the mind.

I'm not in favor of any discrimination of any form.

Some truths are expressed best in the form of myth.

As a rule, one should never place form over content.

Some lessons are only delivered in the form of pain.

The best form in which to worship God is every form.

Please phrase your answer in the form of a question.

Faith can take many different forms and expressions.

The intensest form of hatred is that rooted in fear.

The highest art is no art. The best form is no form.

The law of the innermost form of the essay is heresy

I love the freedom that the narrative form provides.

Conscience is the moralized form of self-absorption.

It's only through form that we can realize emptiness

Long live protest songs, in whatever form they take.

Movies are like an expensive form of therapy for me.

Editing is the most companionable form of education.

Every human being in the human form has limitations.

We're all crazy. What's your specific form of crazy?

Every single art form is involved in film, in a way.

Pugnacity is a form of courage, but a very bad form.

The practice of the Court forms the law of the Court.

I love variation in all forms: in painting, in music.

The universe is a Divine thought that has taken form.

Content alone is propaganda; form alone is wallpaper.

Everything is present in its cause, in its fine form.

Ignorance is the worst form of slavery. (Paraphrased)

Satanism represents a form of controlled selfishness.

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