Ending our reliance on fossil fuels was never going to be easy.

Either you abandon fossil fuels, or you find a way to get that carbon back.

As investments and as an energy source, fossil fuels have nowhere to go but down.

One of my top priorities in Congress is to reduce U.S. dependence on fossil fuels.

Behind every morsel of bread, fruits, or meat is a large amount of transformed fossil fuels.

Nothing could do more to help the world's poor than to make fossil fuels cheap and plentiful.

For as long as we're using fossil fuels at all, globally, Canadians should be using Canadian sources.

It's as certain that as long as fossil fuels are the cheapest energy, we will just keep burning them.

For decades, NRDC has created and supported policies that will ultimately end our reliance on fossil fuels.

We must get rid of fossil fuels by developing injection systems for automobiles, which can run on bio-fuel.

Practically every environmental problem we have can be traced to our addiction to fossil fuels, primarily oil.

We are totally schizophrenic. We are trying to reduce emissions, and we subsidize the consumption of fossil fuels.

You'd save millions upon millions of lives by making fossil fuels available to parts of the world that don't have it.

For people who currently have to burn fossil fuels to produce meager, polluting light, LED lighting is a game changer.

I think so long as fossil fuels are cheap, people will use them and it will postpone a movement towards new technologies.

Fire made us human, fossil fuels made us modern, but now we need a new fire that makes us safe, secure, healthy and durable.

We clearly have to reduce harmful energy emissions. Everyone acknowledges we simply can't switch off fossil fuels overnight.

What has become clear from the science is that we cannot burn all of the fossil fuels without creating a very different planet.

Our wisest long-term investment is not in the dirty polluting fossil fuels from the past, but in the clean energy of the future.

Fracking locks the U.K. into an industry that is based on fossil fuels long after our country needs to have moved to renewables.

The only countries that have successfully moved from fossil fuels to low-carbon power have done so with the help of nuclear energy.

As Governor of Colorado, I will continue to transition our state away from fossil fuels to more clean, renewable sources of energy.

We must transition away from the dirtiest fossil fuels toward renewable sources of energy for the sake of our economy and our planet.

We all know that we have to get off of fossil fuels. And we know that the world is going in that direction. And we have to do it fast.

As long as we're dependent on those fossil fuels, we're dependent on the Middle East. If we are not victims, we're certainly captives.

There is nothing efficient about destroying the planet as we know it because vested interests want to keep us addicted to fossil fuels.

It's going to cost trillions of dollars to rework the energy sources all over the world. Were going to have to move away from fossil fuels.

One SF prediction that I would like very much to see: Get solar collectors launched to beam energy back home, and get away from fossil fuels.

There is more He-3 energy on the Moon than we have ever had in the form of fossil fuels on Earth. All we have to do is to go there and get it.

The truth is, as most of us know, that global warming is real and humans are major contributors, mainly because we wastefully burn fossil fuels.

Coal and oil lobbyists added fossil fuels to a bill aimed at helping American manufacturers, so they too could claim 'manufacturing' tax deductions.

Coal is responsible for as much atmospheric carbon dioxide as other fossil fuels combined and it still has far greater reserves. We must stop using it.

We must move away from our dependency on fossil fuels, and I am glad that GM has invested over $1 billion in hydrogen fuel cells cars to meet this goal.

The truth is, natural organisms have managed to do everything we want to do without guzzling fossil fuels, polluting the planet or mortgaging the future.

There is hardly an activity that a person can think about that does not intrinsically involve energy, most of which is currently provided by fossil fuels.

Fossil fuels powered the U.S. into the industrial age and replaced windmills and wood burning, which were inefficient, as the primary sources of electricity.

There has always been enough fossil fuels to power human civilization for hundreds and perhaps thousands of years, and nuclear energy is effectively infinite.

The biggest tab the public picks up for fossil fuels has to do with what economists call 'external costs,' like the health effects of air and water pollution.

I want these lefties to get called out as immoral basically to reduce the standard of living for every American by trying to ban fossil fuels in this country.

The popular notion is that Americans are addicted to fossil fuels, but I find that's not true; most people would be happy to power their lives with anything else.

Fossil fuels are raw materials that have to be extracted and processed. Wind and solar energy are different. The only costs associated with them are technological.

Acidisation isn't benign - like fracking, it can pose risks to groundwater sources, and runs counter to the urgency with which we must shift away from fossil fuels.

Many anti-energy groups display little appreciation of the extent to which modern economies depend pervasively on the use of fossil fuels and petrochemical products.

Wind and other clean, renewable energy will help end our reliance on fossil fuels and combat the severe threat that climate change poses to humans and wildlife alike.

Because fossil fuels are not only a finite resource but hazardous to the environment, it is imperative that we diversify the resources used in generating electricity.

I think that the world is in the middle of a huge transition that we have to make to renewable energy. We have to transition away from fossil fuels very, very quickly.

Even if we didn't have greenhouse gases, were going to have to move away from fossil fuels, as we're going to run out. They're finite, whereas solar and wind are infinite.

I find it interesting that many of the people who want to restrict fossil fuels live in well-developed countries where abundant and affordable energy is readily available.

I consider myself to be a 'reducetarian.' I try to consume less and be aware of the decisions I'm making. Not just food, but single-use plastics, and fossil fuels and energy.

There are a lot of people doing good work, but we need to get the burning of fossil fuels off the highways and speedways of the world, so that we'll step up on global warming.

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