Well I am a Gemini.

I'm a Gemini, very spontaneous.

I'm a Gemini, so I change my mind every day.

I'm a textbook Gemini. I just need variety and I'm random.

I'm a Gemini. Know what that means? There are two very different sides to me.

I'm a Gemini, and my attention span is limited. So, I don't dwell on long-term goals.

I guess I'm a Gemini through and through, but I'm mercurial. I get bored doing the same things.

I have read Geminis are peaceful, who have an eye for finer things. That ways, yes, I'm a true Gemini.

Michael Jackson was a Gemini. Kanye, Lauryn Hill, a lot of people that are amazing artists are Geminis.

I am a Gemini and can adapt to most atmospheres. You get two for the price of one when you are a Gemini.

I'm a huge hip hop fan going way back, like, back to '83. I had my Gemini mixer listening to Run-DMC and Kurtis Blow.

I'm a Gemini, so my mood always changes - one minute I'm dance-dancey, the next I'm in the corner minding my own business.

Like a typical Gemini I'm changeable, I can be two different types of people. I can be very outgoing, but sometimes very shy.

I'm Cancer and Gemini cusp, so I read both and pick the one I like best. I read horoscopes but claim not to believe any of it.

We found out the Gemini spacesuit was, well, oxygen was flowing to keep me cool as well as to breathe, and it wasn't good enough. My visor got fogged.

I like pursuing new endeavors. That's part of the reason I wanted to direct. I like to create things. I'm a Gemini. I'm always looking for something new.

My father was an American who could cuss in Italian and make an aria out of it. It was wonderful to watch. But then again, he was a Gemini. I believe in that stuff.

I have this weird sort of Gemini thing where I can really be empathetic and a loving person. But if you piss me off, I can be one of the meanest, most sadistic people.

I'm a Gemini and I have a lot of different moods. Sometimes I'm very serious and introspective and pensive, but other times I'm completely goofy and girlie. So, I like my songs to cover all my moods.

It is a privilege that women fancy me, but I cannot sustain the chocolate boy image forever. I don't want to end up being known, like the late veteran Tamil actor Gemini Ganesan was, as the king of romance.

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I grew up on the south side of Chicago in the 1960s, and I think there was a synchronicity of events that inspired me to be an astronaut, and, of course, the backdrop is nothing less than Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo. That was a time in our nation where we aspired to great things, and we achieved them.

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