Believe me, there exists no such dilemma as that in which a gentleman is placed when he is forced to reply to a blackguard.

Kim Jong Il made his staff call him “dear” and spent the day drinking cognac. It's like I have a twin, ladies and gentlemen.

To fear death, gentlemen, is no other then to think oneself wise when one is not, to think one knows what one does not know.

Well, let me tell you, gentlemen, the games of the devil are not restricted to those confined to hell. Others can play them.

Let a gentleman be known to have been cheated of twenty pounds, and it costs him forty a-year for the remainder of his life.

But let's speak of art for a moment. Yes, art. I know a gentleman who makes excellent portraits. This gentleman is a camera.

In his dealings with the world, the gentleman is not invariably for or against anything. He is on the side of what is moral.

I'll always remember Vinod Khanna as a thorough gentleman, cultured, polite, who knew how to conduct himself with the ladies.

I know these jokes aren't great, ladies and gentlemen, see this is the problem you run into when you're between impeachments.

The gentleman is generous and treats all men as his equals, especially those whom he feels to be inferior in rank and wealth.

Prayer gives a man the opportunity of getting to know a gentleman he hardly ever meets. I do not mean his maker, but himself.

A gentleman does not promote a man on account of what he says; nor does he reject sayings, because the speaker is what he is.

I'm a gentleman and I was always taught it's rude, to talk about a woman's age or weight unless you are breaking up with her.

I am partial to ladies if they are nice. I suppose it is my nature. I am not quite a gentleman but you would hardly notice it.

A gentleman can see a question from all sides without bias. The small man is biased and can see a question only from one side.

I've always known I'd be a bank robber. So judge all you want, ladies and gentlemen. Because you never did become an astronaut.

Women do not find it difficult nowadays to behave like men, but they often find it extremely difficult to behave like gentlemen

If you cannot say what you mean, your majesty, you will never mean what you say and a gentleman should always mean what he says.

Gentleman, God created you with the heart of a warrior. Until there’s something you’re willing to die for, you can’t truly live.

I know that asshole you were with in college --” “Can we leave that asshole out of it?” Please, gentlemen, one asshole at a time.

The Bible does not tell us that life in this world will be fair. Evil and sin are not Victorian gentlemen; they do not play fair.

A man may learn from his Bible to be a more thorough gentleman than if he had been brought up in all the drawing-rooms in London.

You have to be a low-class scumbag to start calling a woman a name. If you're a man, you should never. You should be a gentleman.

The very first thing you learn if you're a gentleman is that you never compare one woman to another. That's the way of all death.

Hatton don't look much like a guy who thinks about commas. But he is a gentleman. His family are gentlemanly. Real classy people.

A gentleman of one of the first fortunes upon the continent...sacrificing his ease, and hazarding all in the cause of his country.

If you want to write something of length, however modern and radical, you must live the life of an elderly gentleman of the 1950s.

From its earliest beginnings, golf has been a gentleman's game - to be played as much for the sake of the game as for the contest.

I've got a lot of cutting and pasting to do, gentlemen, so why don't you please return to your porch rockers and resume whittling.

I believe I have voted for both Democrats and Republicans. Am I either one? Absolutely not. Ladies and gentlemen, I am an American.

[Nikola Tesla and Leon Theremin] were European gentlemen, very well-mannered, all of the stuff you associate with living in Europe.

And a wandering beauty is a blade out of its scabbard.You know how dangerous, gentlemen of threescore?May you know it yet ten more.

What was created by the era of the proper gentleman was excellent table manners and genocide over most of the surface of the planet.

A rich rogue nowadays is fit company for any gentleman; and the world, my dear, hath not such a contempt for roguery as you imagine.

HARRY, THIS IS NO TIME TO BE A GENTLEMAN!" Wood roared as Harry swerved to avoid collision. "KNOCK HER OFF HER BROOM IF YOU HAVE TO!

The best romance writers know there's nothing that builds conflict or makes a gentleman of a rogue more quickly than responsibility.

My kids have played sports all their life, and one thing I've tried to teach them when you lose, you try to be a gentleman about it.

What justice would there be to take this life? Justice, gentlemen? Why, I would just as soon put a hog in the electric chair as this.

If you were a gentleman, you would offer to buy me one as well." "If you were a lady, you would have waited for me to make the offer.

A physician is an unfortunate gentleman who is every day required to perform a miracle; namely to reconcile health with intemperance.

Every man's closet must contain a trench coat. It's hard for any gentleman not to look dashing when clad in this swashbuckling style.

Ladies and gentlemen, Im going to prove to you not only that Freddy Quimby is guilty, but that he is also innocent of not being guilty

George Washington hated the guerrillas. He wanted to imitate the British red coat armies, fighting as gentlemen are supposed to fight.

A seersucker suit is one of the most iconic styles dating from the 1920s and is still a gentleman's best bet when it's hot and sticky.

The first requisite of a gentleman is to be true, brave and noble, and to be therefore a rebuke and scandal to venal and vulgar souls.

The Thane of Cawdor lives, A prosperous gentleman; and to be King Stands not within the prospect of belief, No more than to be Cawdor.

A gentleman has ease without familiarity, is respectful without meanness; genteel without affectation, insinuating without seeming art.

A gentleman who had been very unhappy in marriage, married immediately after his wife died; it was the triumph of hope over experience.

The New York Daily News suggested that my biggest war crime was not killing myself like a gentleman. Presumably Hitler was a gentleman.

Philanthropist, n.: A rich (and usually bald) old gentleman who has trained himself to grin while his conscience is picking his pocket.

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