I slept with my gold medal.

I'm chasing that gold medal.

I'm going to win a gold medal.

I want to win a gold medal in London.

I don't know where my first gold medal is.

Everybody expects me to win the gold medal.

A gold medal at the Olympics is hard to top.

Getting to the Olympic Games was my gold medal.

My goal is definitely a gold medal still in Rio.

I take a lot of pride in my first '92 gold medal.

Winning an Olympic gold medal is like nothing else.

I want to play for my country and win a gold medal.

You don't just go and pick up a gold medal anymore.

It's kind of like I won a gold medal with my family.

Everything I do is for a gold medal for this country.

Anything other than a gold medal will be disappointing.

I've been dreaming of winning gold medal in the Olympics.

When a player cheats, you can't have a gold medal, right?

Coming in as a veteran, I'd like to finish with a gold medal.

Winning that team-pursuit Olympic gold medal was unbelievable.

I never won a Vezina Trophy until I won the Olympic gold medal.

I think the mental victory is worth it as much as a gold medal.

My one and only focus at the Olympic Games is to win a gold medal.

The only thing better than winning a gold medal is going to Heaven.

I'd rather have one gold medal and 10 caps than 200 caps and no gold.

Winning a gold medal means you're the best in the world at that time.

I'm just sorry I couldn't come home with a second Olympic gold medal.

Having the chance to win a gold medal doesn't come around very often.

I definitely want to win a gold medal, that should be everybody's goal.

Winning that gold medal at the Olympics is something I'll never forget.

It would be meaningful if I can get a gold medal in my parents' country.

I haven't let the gold medal out of my sight; it sleeps next to me in bed.

Nowadays a gold medal is a $1 million contract. Our athletes are our heroes.

London 2012 is all about winning a medal. Not just any medal, the gold medal.

My dream is to get gold medal both in the world championship and the Olympics.

I graduated a the top of my class in the '84 Olympic Games; I won a gold medal.

I've won the African Cup, I've won an Olympic gold medal. That says everything.

It has always been a dream to win either the Olympic gold medal or the World Cup.

You have to beat the king to be the king. No one is going to hand you a gold medal.

To have this gold medal around my neck is just bonkers and still hasn't really sunk in.

I'm extremely happy that I could win the gold medal. It's a special moment in my career.

To win a joint gold medal with my brother - that's the dream, to cross the line together.

There was a lot of politics going on, and Ireland were denied an Olympic gold medal in 2008.

Playing in Wembley Stadium in front of 83-some-thousand fans to win a gold medal was unreal.

Winning a gold medal is not easy but I believed in myself, especially over the last four years.

It is a great feeling that I am the first Indian to win a gold medal in track event in world juniors.

Every athlete wants to win an Olympic gold medal, and I'd be lying if I said that's not what I wanted.

To have this gold medal around my neck is an indescribable feeling. I'm the happiest person right now.

Gold medal always feels great. In fact, any appreciation or acknowledgement is a great morale booster.

Everything that I did to win a gold medal, I'm practically transferring it over to mixed martial arts.

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