The Golden Age was never the present age.

The golden age is before us, not behind us.

Where children are, there is the golden age.

I grew up on the golden age of children's TV.

The golden age has not passed; it lies in the future.

You just never know when you're living in a golden age.

I grew up in the golden age of Flash Gordon and sci-fi.

It is 2017, and we are living in the golden age of lying.

We may be coming to a new golden age of instrument making.

I've always wanted to be like the Hollywood Golden Age actors.

I come from the golden age of hip hop when all the greats came on the scene.

In the Golden Age of Batman, I penciled, inked, and lettered my strip by myself.

The golden age of Hollywood was the conceit of the movie and the style of the movie.

I grew up in Milan during the golden age of designers. There was fashion all around.

There's so many stories to tell in Hollywood in the Golden Age that stems from truth.

I'm lucky that I was in retailing during the time that I call the golden age of retailing.

The so-called 'last golden age,' in the 1970s, most of those movies were independent films.

The people who live in a golden age usually go around complaining how yellow everything looks.

I came of age during the Golden Age of rom coms - like the '90s and 2000s - there were so many.

When you start being enthusiastic about whatever it is you like, that is the golden age for you.

I think It's a bit of a disappointment that a lot of people's Golden Age of music is still the '60s.

Even during the golden age of fashion, you had haute couture houses where the designers didn't have money.

My mother worked in the old Minsky's troupe, which toured the country in the golden age of burlesque theatre.

We're seeing the arrival of conversational robots that can walk in our world. It's a golden age of invention.

It's the golden age of French cinema again but it's because Sarkozy had the guts to push through copyright law.

The '50s was the golden age of music all over the world for some crazy, 'X-File'-like reason I can't quite understand.

I think the golden age of couture had some of the most incredible customers: women like Nan Kempner and all the icons.

The mid '70s was the golden age. A lot of things were being born on the street then, and there was a lot of experimentation.

Every artistic form has its golden age, and unfortunately I think the golden age for whatever I do probably ended about 1990.

Iraq was home of the Abbasid Caliphate, a golden age when the Muslim world was at the forefront of math, science and medicine.

I left the golden age of documentaries to go into the golden days of the 'CBS Evening News.' You could see that the audiences were eroding.

Our objective should be to have a competition of ideas... I think it's a golden age in terms of policy ideas when it comes to Democrats and health care.

My view of an excellent novel was probably set in the golden age of fiction in the 19th century: narrative, character and voice are of equal importance.

I think everything works in cycles. I was fortunate enough to come along in the golden age for big men. There were guys like Hakeem Olajuwon and Patrick Ewing.

I was there when the quote-unquote golden age of musical theater was flourishing. I met everybody who worked in theater or was famous in theater from the '40s on.

'Leave It to Beaver,' which ran from 1957 until 1963, was one of the strangest, sweetest, most distinctive domestic sitcoms of television's celebrated Golden Age.

It got to the point in the late 70s and early 80s that I was spending so much money buying golden age comics that I could only justify it if I got work in the media.

Whenever someone says, or whenever someone harkens back to, a golden age of the U.S. - usually the '40s or '50s - 90 percent of the time, they're a straight white man.

Let's be clear: there was no golden age of journalism. The media has always been bad. And instead of improving, it spent a lot of time and energy making up its own myth.

I've always loved old school wrestling: Tully Blanchard, Arn Anderson, Ric Flair, Sting, Hot Stuff Eddie Gilbert. To me, that's the golden age of professional wrestling.

There's a movie called 'Elizabeth: The Golden Age,' where I'm playing the King of Spain. It's a small role, but it's really, really interesting, the way I constructed it.

It was really in the Golden Age, between the two world wars, when the pure detective story - of which the locked room mystery is really the ultimate form - became popular.

It is possible that mankind is on the threshold of a golden age; but, if so, it will be necessary first to slay the dragon that guards the door, and this dragon is religion.

As Indians, we must of course learn from the past; but we must remain focused on the future. In my view, education is the true alchemy that can bring India its next golden age.

I was a child in the '60s and a teenager in the '70s, which was the golden age of film as far as I'm concerned, between American film and the Italian reinvention of genre film.

With the advent of cable and such, you guys are calling it the golden age of TV in terms of the writing and stuff. But it's like different branches of a big tree that TV has become.

Real pirates were better than in movies, more daring and terrifying and cunning than any screenwriter could imagine. They operated during the Golden Age of Piracy, from 1650 to 1720.

Like the tail fins on fifties American cars or the parabolic shapes of Populuxe furniture, 'West Side Story' incarnates the dream of momentum in the golden age of the twentieth century.

In the large cities that received new Americans, there flowered a golden age of restaurants, manned by the available talent from abroad and fueled by the restless wealth of the newly rich.

We live in the golden age of character actors - in an age when actors who have done their time in character roles are frequently asked to carry dark movies and complicated television dramas.

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