Nobody roots for Goliath.

People fear what they do not understand.

Everybody pulls for David, nobody roots for Goliath.

It's alright to be Goliath but always act like David.

When David killed Goliath, Mae Young called the cops.

The one place that David is equal to Goliath is in the Supreme Court.

Maybe you don't just have one Goliath. Maybe you have his whole family!

It's disturbing to people that the small David can disturb the big Goliath.

Our image has undergone change from David fighting Goliath to being Goliath.

The Goliath Corporation was to altruism what Genghis Khan was to soft furnishings.

I was born into long odds. I know what the David versus Goliath story is. My life has been that.

The Jewish people, ever since David slew Goliath, have never considered youth as a barrier to leadership.

Courage is what you earn when you've been through the tough times and you discover they aren't so tough after all.

I think Hong Kong people's struggle for democracy is similar to David versus Goliath. But this struggle is not just about me.

'Goliath' is about nine, 10 minutes long, and the end of it is so interesting, we didn't really want it to be used as a single.

I love an underdog. No, I don't necessarily mean the cartoon. I mean like David, as in Goliath, or the Bears, as in The Bad News Bears.

That term, 'David and Goliath,' has entered our language as a metaphor for improbable victories by some weak party over someone far stronger.

Goliath was a champion, a monster who had never been beaten, and then this young guy, David, came forward, a child who believed in God and did it.

I am used to coming in second and then all of the sudden finishing in first because nobody expected me to do it. Kind of like David and Goliath, you know. I'm not the giant.

I thought it was a classic David and Goliath story, and I was fully onboard Team WikiLeaks. I was very pro the leaks, barring the redaction issue. But I see WikiLeaks as a publisher.

It's a great time for independent media because technology reduces the entry barrier. It makes it a phenomenal time for media in general. It's David versus Goliath, and David is always a little smarter, more nimble, more fast.

David - the man after God's own heart - was a man of war and a mighty man of valour. When all Israel were on the run, David faced Goliath - alone... with God - and he but a stripling, and well scolded, too, by his brother for having come to see the battle.

What has been happening more lately - of course, I also put in my bio, I say I do the voice of Goliath, but some people go - you know, I say something, and it's a funny thing when you work in this business, people will talk out loud in front of you like you're not there.

When we talk about Oscars, it's almost as a symbol of excellence, and the American public and the worldwide public accept that symbol. So, a movie like 'The Artist' that costs $14 million, has to go out and compete with movies that cost $140 million. How does David deal with Goliath?

Americans enjoy the exciting, cinematic vision of a squad of muscle-bound Goliath boasting Olympian speed, strength, and precision - a group whose collective success is the inevitable consequence of the individual strengths of its members and the masterful planning of a visionary commander.

The water is alive. It is alive. If we could get a mask and fins and drop down off these docks, we'd see snook and redfish and probably goliath grouper. And it's an amazing world unto itself and a very thin demarcation between one world and the other. You know, the distance of the water surface.

It's gone on my whole life, this David and Goliath syndrome that a lot of these smaller guys always have. They think the only reason I've ever had any success in my career is because of my physical size. And you know what? If that's the case, so be it. I really don't care. Because I have that size.

Once you understand that Goliath is much weaker than you think he is, and David has superior technology, then you say: why do we tell the story the way we do? It becomes, actually, a far more meaningful and important story in its retelling than in the kind of unsophisticated way we've done it for, I think, too long.

In my opinion, Hollywood doesn't know the context. Hollywood sees a David and Goliath story with Israel being cast in the role of Goliath, as the evil aggressor. The Palestinians are simply innocent reactors to whatever Israelis are throwing at them. And everything - like their economic situation - excuses the savagery.

Something happened to the State of Israel. What was morally obvious in 1948 is not so obvious anymore. When the State of Israel was established, it was, for the parents and grandparents of these young Jews, a miracle. It was David and Goliath. We were the just cause. It was about values. We were small, but we were the good guys in the world!

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