I like seeing good people win.

Cape Verde produces good people.

I'm really good at hiring good people.

Even good people are obliged to deceive.

I think good things happen to good people.

We try to recruit good players and good people.

I feel fuzzy inside when I see good people make it.

Good people climb quickly - just like in a company.

Most police officers are good cops and good people.

When we do something good, people immediately follow it.

There are good people here in the Midwest. That's for sure.

Whenever two good people argue over principles, they are both right.

I'm surrounded by good people, and I surround myself with good people.

When you're working with good people it brings good things out in you.

I'm not interested in the mad race. I just like working with good people.

Hang out with good people, do good things, and always put the team first.

We have tried you good people of the public and we have found you wanting.

You really don't find too many good people. You really don't. Keep them around.

The smartest thing a director can do is surround himself with really good people.

If you don't have good people around you, it's going to be the worst thing for you.

I didn't realize it until I was grown how necessary it is for good people to be tough.

It is as pleasant as it is unusual to see thoroughly good people getting their deserts.

I try to hire good people and let them do their job and don't question how they do things.

I killed the President because he was the enemy of the good people, the good working people.

We expanded primarily for our people - if you don't offer more opportunities, you don't keep good people.

There's a lot of good people here in Cincinnati, and there are a lot of people that are willing to help others.

When you hire good people, and you provide good jobs and good wages and a career, good things are going to happen.

If you hire good people, give them good jobs, and pay them good wages, generally something good is going to happen.

I think there are no good people at a white supremacist rally, and apparently that's just a real controversial take.

Wherever you come from, even if it's a rough neighbourhood, there are always good people who know what they want to do.

All those good people huddling behind bars in gated communities - it's the wrong way round. The others should have the bars.

I don't know what a conservative is, you know, but I do know what good people are. And that's where I sit with Donald Trump.

When you go to the darkest place, all reason and logic deserts you and you are very dependent on having good people around you.

If celebs try to do something good, people think it is a publicity stunt and if they do without showing it, they don't get credit.

When you have the most stable team in the garage from a financial standpoint and manufacturer standpoint, that attracts good people.

Most of the good people of my generation... had offers to become editors, but the thought of going inside was just absolutely horrifying.

Yooralla, like most disability service organisations, is full of good people who are passionate about the rights of people with disabilities.

The fact is, there's good people everywhere. That's what I try and show in my stand-up: good people everywhere. All it takes is one person to mess it up.

Do I like most footballers? Not really. Joe Hart, Shaun Wright-Phillips, Joleon Lescott, Gabby Agbonlahor and a group of the guys at Villa - good people.

I think what we can do is make sure as conservatives that we elect good people to both the House, the Senate, and make sure that President Trump gets re-elected.

There a lot of occasions when Albanians cause trouble, but then we are also very nice people. People sometimes forget that there are good people from the Balkans as well.

WhatsApp has over a billion customers, and they are overwhelmingly good people. But in that billion customers are terrorists and criminals... It's a huge feature of terrorist tradecraft.

Most people feel that they are the heroes of their own lives and that they're good people. So if they're in a crisis, they feel an understandable urge to set out their own version of events.

I was elected by the good people of Fort George for another five-year term, and I certainly intend to continue serving them in this, my seventh term as a member of the House of Representatives.

You know no one ever accomplishes something like this without a lot of help from good people along the way. And this is certainly true in my case, and I would like to thank some of those people.

It is vitally important that we implement immigration reform. We need a bill that strengthens our borders and protects this nation, but that also makes it simpler for good people to become Americans.

I'm no longer going to play thugs or debauched cops that I can't possibly make complex characters. I'm bigger than that. I owe too much to too many good people at the Goodman, Arena and Playwrights Horizons.

One of the things that I miss about Canada is that even the strangers, you have an immediate rapport, there's just an understanding that we're all good people, let's be nice to each other. And Kiwis have that. I find the Kiwis have that.

The '7500' is with Leslie Bibb. It's a big ensemble with a lot of really good people. I play the pilot of the 747 that something happens on as it crosses the Pacific. It's going to do what 'Jaws' did to the ocean. Not make people want to get on!

I'm formally trained, I don't know what classically trained really means. I've worked with Sanford Meisner. And I've worked at Circle Rep with Marshall W. Mason and Lanford Wilson and some really good people. I was lucky. I had a lot of really good influences.

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