Moon's' a good movie.

I never made a good movie.

I think I made good movies.

I know what a good movie is.

I know what a good movie is.

A good movie humanizes people.

I'm a sucker for a good movie.

Any good movie is filled with secrets.

Just making a good movie is hard to do.

But most good movies have a gun in them.

There's not a lot of good movies being made.

I enjoy a good movie, no matter what the genre.

I do think 'The Notebook' is a darn good movie.

If it's a good part in a good movie, I'll do it.

'The Squid and the Whale' was a really good movie.

You can go out in a good movie and look bad as well.

A good movie is three good scenes and no bad scenes.

I think if you make a good movie people walk away arguing.

I think if you make a good movie, people walk away arguing.

No good movie is too long and no bad movie is short enough.

A good movie with bad music can kill a great dramatic scene.

Life is not a PG feel-good movie. Real life often ends badly.

A lot of people feel that 'Music Man' is a good movie musical.

I would never see a good movie for the first time on television.

I don't hold with the notion that only bad books make good movies.

Clothes are like a good meal, a good movie, great pieces of music.

I won`t buy into the Hollywood thing...I want to be in good movies.

I like really good movies, but I can enjoy a really bad movie, too.

There's nothing worse than making a good movie that doesn't get seen.

One of my main weaknesses is a good movie. I'll just bawl my eyes out.

My motto: 'No good movie is depressing. All bad movies are depressing.'

I watched 'My Girl' as an adult pretty recently, and it's a good movie.

If it's a good movie, it's a good movie. I don't care about the genres.

You can't make a good movie with a bad script, no matter who's involved.

I wanted to make people feel the same way I feel when I see a good movie.

I want to be in a good movie, and so the narrative is way more important.

I wanted to make people feel the same way I feel when I see a good movie.

There was a time when all that mattered was that you were in a good movie.

I am delighted just to work on a good movie, no matter what the medium is.

A truly good movie is enjoyable too. There’s nothing complicated about it.

I don't dig parties. I rather sit at home with my friends and a good movie.

The truth is I made a few good movies in the '50s, then went into freefall.

I don't know how anyone ever makes a good movie. It's a miracle every time.

When people pay money to watch films, they also expect good movie in return.

To me, what separates a funny movie from a good movie is something personal.

I've never wanted to be the hottest star. I always wanted to do good movies.

I think a good movie is a good movie whether that falls into a genre or not.

I think it turned out to be a pretty good movie [42]. I wouldn't lie to you.

I firmly believe that you can't get a good movie without risking a bad movie.

The audience doesn't care that most of happened. They just want a good movie.

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