It's good to know people think I'm a nice guy.

I think most people know inherently that good wins.

People just like a good crime story; they want to know who did it.

The Democratic Party isn't any good unless they know it's about people!

It's good to be difficult to know. Too many people are too easy to know.

I don't want people to know what I'm actually like. It's not good for an actor.

People generally are just really nice to each other. You know, the good people.

You know when you meet somebody and they're just good people? That's Andy Samberg.

The reason why so few good books are written is that so few people who can write know anything.

The reason that there are so few good books written is that so few people who write know anything.

When people see the Cubevision logo, they should know it's something good, something worth checking out.

Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.

Some people have career plans, long-range career plans. I don't know anything about that. I'm no good at it.

And George Brett. I think most people know that George and I have become pretty good friends over the years.

People know a planet when they see one, and I think that's a pretty darn good test, in fact, for planethood.

I don't know what a conservative is, you know, but I do know what good people are. And that's where I sit with Donald Trump.

I think the Norweigan model of municipalities owning cinemas and being programmed by people who know about films is a good one.

I know that when you do similar kind of films, one after the other, people tend to stereotype and say, 'She is only good at this.'

When I buy something from Raven & Lily, I know that it is good, it is not harming anything, and the people making it are being helped.

I'm sure there are people wearing Bullet Club shirts who don't even know what it is. It's one of those kind of things, but that's good.

Pretty good, you know it's nice when you get people coming up to you saying 'Can I have a photo or an autograph'; it's a compliment, I think.

It wasn't until later when people became aware of my writing that I would hear begrudgingly, 'You know, you really are a pretty good singer, I guess.'

How many stories do you know about people cooped up in places because of deep snowfall? How many stories where something good happens to those people?

I'll buy half the wardrobe after 'The Impressions Show' has finished - I know it fits and looks good, because I'm impersonating people such as Angelina Jolie.

I don't think it's good for people to know too much about you. With my favourite bands, I don't want to have the inside track on every single aspect of their personal lives.

But we talk about issues, we talk about people, we talk about personalities. George is a very good reader of people, and he's very perceptive about people, and you know, that's fine.

I don't know if anyone can do a reading for other people, but I do think that we all have an intuition and that if we can follow it we can hone it and it can be used to do a lot of good.

People claim that no good actors came out of FTII after Naseeruddin Shah and Shabana Azmi. What they don't know is that the acting course was closed for 26 years and reopened only in 2004.

I don't have role models or watch much TV. I go to awards ceremonies but often I don't even know who the people are. I think that's good, because then you don't have preconceived ideas about them.

There are certain people who I worked with, Pamela Anderson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, they are figures. And they know this. They don't pretend to be good actors. They were made by the industry into figures.

I guess I originally got the bug for performing when I was in choirs and school stuff and all that. I don't know when. I guess I decided to do it because a lot of people said I was good, and I liked the attention.

I don't read good reviews. I like to know what percentages are going on. When Sony sends out something saying that people are liking the movie, I like to know that, but I don't actually sit and read the good stuff.

I guess when you have that one monster season, it's good because you're recognized. If it weren't for that season, not as many people would know about my career. But it also kind of diminishes what I did in other years.

I probably have a small number of people that are consistently advisors and mentors, but I'm much more likely to have a broader array of... almost like an unofficial board of advisors, where I know that certain people are going to be good for certain types of topics.

There were people that grabbed you just by talking, and that's what I loved about professional wrestling when I started out. That's why I'm already so good. That's why people literally hang on the edge of their seats when I have a mic because they want to know what I'm going to say.

All of my books have an internal geometric shape, and once I've seen the shape, then the writing gets much faster and easier because I now do know where we're going, and I know what's motivating these people, why they were here, and therefore, I have some good idea how they got there, and so I can fill in the missing chunks somewhat more easily.

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