I miss being governor.

I'm governor of New York.

Governor Romney is a good debater.

As governor, I'll put Montanans first.

It's my job as governor to set a vision.

Nobody has a cakewalk to become governor.

As governor, I cut $5 billion in spending.

Every governor's got tough choices to make.

Yes, I'm your governor now. I'll take care of you.

When I was born, my father was governor of Arkansas.

I've made more cuts than any governor has ever made.

I'll be a governor that fights for Kentucky families.

There is only one governor, and his name is Gray Davis.

I intensely covered Bush when he was Governor of Texas.

I'll be a governor who looks out for Kentucky families.

I acted on my core beliefs on social issues as governor.

Every year, virtually every governor balances the budget.

My nomination to be Governor was not to gratify ambition.

As governor, I learned the importance of having an agenda.

Governor Romney is a real hardliner on illegal immigration.

I ended up being the governor of a very ag state, Nebraska.

People deserve to see a governor who is hustling every day.

When I ran for governor of Minnesota, I only raised $300,000.

I really love being governor. I've been extremely successful.

When I became governor, I vowed to restore the public's trust.

I had a 'Mr. Smith Goes to Washington' experience as governor.

I'm Nikki Haley, Governor of the great state of South Carolina.

I am running for governor of Kentucky as the people's advocate.

I think everyone should read Governor William Bradford's diary.

As governor of my country, I have been an enemy to its enemies.

As governor, I'll work to lower health care costs for all of us.

The governor has a role in terms of declaring a state of emergency.

I'm running for governor; I'm not running for a legislative office.

As governor, it is my highest priority to protect Arizona citizens.

Ronald Reagan wasn't qualified to be governor, let alone president.

Tell everyone to vote: Tom Savini for Governor on 'The Walking Dead'!

The Governor's Office is going to get out of the litigation business.

When I was the finance minister, I got on well with the RBI Governor.

My children were attacked by the Minnesota media when I was governor.

When I say I'm going to be a governor for all Kentuckians, I mean it.

I really want to be governor when I have a partner in the White House.

Economic growth is the most important initiative every governor faces.

Oregon deserves a Governor who is fully focused on the duties of state.

I don't think that attorneys should be in any way running for governor.

As governor, I'll treat all Kentucky families with dignity and respect.

In 1972, former Texas Governor John Connally led 'Democrats for Nixon.'

I was governor of Kansas when Mitt Romney was governor of Massachusetts.

As governor, I don't want my fair share. I want more than my fair share.

The governor's not allowed to drive. That's part of the life you accept.

I work for Governor Pataki. Period. End of story. I am very loyal to him.

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