I thought I would be governor of Massachusetts. I stood on a pile of my old albums and said, 'I'm the only one with a record to stand on.'

My legacy as governor was UConn and the cities. This is my passion. When I was governor, I would call Waterbury the center of the universe.

I have a proven record of working for our kids as state superintendent, and as a governor I'll deliver real results for Wisconsin families.

I think that Governor Romney operates on the capital gains tax, his investments, what he lives off of instead of doing it off of his income.

I am very fond of Jeb Bush. He's a friend; he was a terrific governor of Florida. I worked with him on some immigration and education issues.

Governor, why wouldn't anyone want to say the Pledge of Allegiance, unless they detested their own country or were ignorant of its greatness?

When George W. Bush picked Dick Cheney, it was a reassuring sign that the Texas governor would have an experienced, prudent voice at his side.

I want to be the governor of Arkansas. I'm going to be the governor of Arkansas. I might be president, but I will be the governor of Arkansas.

When I first ran for governor... I had to stand up for segregation or be defeated, but I never insulted black people by calling them inferior.

I am humbled and grateful for the four years the people of the state of Nevada have given me as governor and I am proud of the work we all did.

Growing up I never imagined a little girl from a border town could one day become a governor. But this is America. In America algo es possible.

Running to do a job as important as the governor's shouldn't be easy; it should take a lot of work, and I'm out there giving my best every day.

As Governor, I will demand that Colorado's government serves the taxpayers of Colorado, not special interest groups and government bureaucrats.

I am a believer in the rights of the unborn and the goodness of every life, and I have promised that, as governor, I will champion those values.

Mitt Romney is a businessman, a turnaround artist, a CEO. That is who he is. The former governor has experience in the public and private sector.

As governor, when I visited our troops in Kuwait and Iraq, I served them Thanksgiving dinner. It was a small gesture compared to their sacrifice.

As a governor and senator, John Chafee set the standard for honesty and decency that the rest of us on our best days could only dream to emulate.

I think the governor has short-changed the people of Pennsylvania with respect to shale gas, both with respect to the environment and the economy.

Westerners know the difference between a talker and the real deal. If Rick Perry wasn't right to be governor of Texas, why should he be president?

Put simply, no one in state government can create new specially protected classes except the General Assembly with the concurrence of the Governor.

As you may know, previously as Attorney General and now as Governor, I have supported legislation to close the gun show loophole in North Carolina.

I made a promise to you and the people of our state when I was running for governor: I promised I would cut taxes by 10% for middle-class families.

I look forward to the opportunity to continue to push for the welfare of our students and the dignity of our educators' work in my role as governor.

When I'm governor, we're not going to be silent like Bruce Rauner. Illinois will be a firewall against Donald Trump's destructive and bigoted agenda.

Governor Perry taught me how to be a good man and to be a good husband. Not only does he have to take care of his own family, but the state of Texas.

Mike Pence, of course, is a governor with executive experience and doing well in a Midwestern state, but also served in Congress. I served with Mike.

I don't want to run for governor, but I don't think anyone should put public service out of the question because that's not what a good citizen does.

To map the Governor General's Award is to map both the past and the future of Canadian literature, and to be nominated for my first book is wonderful.

While my mother is from Jammu, my father was originally from Afghanistan, as my grandfather was the governor of five provinces there, including Herat.

The time has come for justice at the ballot box, and justice in the courts, and justice in the legislative halls, and justice in the governor's office.

The long journey I've taken from where I started, and to end up at the Governors Awards as a governor - it was an emotional and powerful moment for me.

I will always make films that champion outsiders, because I still feel like one, even though I'm now governor of the documentary branch of the Academy.

Why is it our business whether Sarah Palin returned to her job as governor three days after her son was born, or three months? Is there a right answer?

I don't disagree with ending Congress' retirement program. I'm a governor; I don't have a retirement program in my state, and I don't disagree with that.

Almost forty-five years after my parents first became Americans, I stand before you and them tonight as the proud governor of the state of South Carolina.

New Mexicans want a Governor who will continue to fight and hold President Trump accountable for policies that hurt New Mexicans and hard-working families.

Protests are fine. But in South Carolina we believe in the rule of law, and the people of this state should never doubt that as governor, I will enforce it.

You have to have your wallet for security reasons. I'm the governor. And I had to have money. I had to buy something to eat. You have to have identification.

As governor, I'll reverse cuts to the Local Government Fund and will work cooperatively with communities across the state to combat the challenges they face.

While I was governor, 85 percent of the people on a form of welfare assistance in my state had no work requirement. I wanted to increase the work requirement.

As the former administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency and former governor of New Jersey, I have witnessed the impact of climate change firsthand.

What a country and state we live in where a small-town girl from rural Iowa can become governor and have the opportunity to serve Iowans at the highest level.

You're feeling the responsibility for hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people on your shoulder in a way that I couldn't feel as lieutenant governor.

I'll be a governor who not only respects and listens to workers, but also fights for policies that make it easier for them to earn a good living and get ahead.

I am calling Shaktikanta Das as a corrupt person. I am surprised that the man I got removed from the Finance Ministry for corruption was brought in as governor.

I was the governor that drew a tough, tough straw. I was governor during the worst recession since the 1930s, and I had to cut $5 billion from the state budget.

The Democrats' ads convince me that Governor Romney can't sing, but his record convinces me he knows how to lead, and I think you know which skill we need more.

Ronald Reagan, of course, was a Republican governor of California who went through a painful defeat in the 1976 presidential race before winning four years later.

Jesus was a community organizer, Pontius Pilate was a governor. And perhaps they should understand the role of a community organizer is to help people in distress.

As Governor, I could think of only one way to unify our State that was made up of so many different climates, political beliefs and people, and that was our music.

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