Losing is the great American sin.

A great American city is fighting for its life.

Dennis Hopper is one of the great American lives.

Our great American writers were all newspaper people.

I don't pretend to want to write the Great American Symphony.

Gene Hackman is one of the great American actors of all time.

I was saving the name of 'Geisel' for the Great American Novel.

The great American game should be an unrelenting war of nerves.

Great American sport. Horseshoes is a very great game. I love it.

There are dozens of great American writers who write about the family.

I wanted to honor [George Gershwin]. He's a great American songwriter.

Apple is this great American company that could have only happened here.

Community colleges are the great American invention in terms of education.

I think Joe Jackson is a great American figure. In my opinion, he became a scapegoat.

As far as I'm concerned, blues and jazz are the great American contributions to music.

The great American novel has not only already been written, it has already been rejected.

I've loved boxing due to the history of boxing. It was one of the great American pastimes.

That business we started with 10 people has now grown into a great American success story.

P.C. Richard and Son has a wonderful heritage and is part of the great American storybook.

I'm not working on the Great American Novel. All I am doing, I hope, is entertaining readers.

Petraeus is the finest general I have ever worked for; Holly Petraeus is a great American hero.

From John Huston to Fred Zinnemann and Richard Fleischer and all those great American directors.

My style of music is the great American songbook meets the pop world of the Seventies and Eighties.

I think John Coltrane is one of the great American heroes, like Abraham Lincoln and Emily Dickinson.

Fischer, the great American chess champion, famously said, 'Chess is life.' I would say, 'Pi is life.'

If you destroyed the underpinnings of this great American sport, you are a hated, ugly, detestable person.

I didn't have the great American novel burning inside me, but I felt I could try my hand at popular fiction.

The Roaring Twenties were the period of that Great American Prosperity which was built on shaky foundations.

Jake Johnson wanted to make clear that he was the great American actor, not just the funny guy on 'New Girl.'

Great American art needs the idea of uninterrupted spaces, like a loft, which itself is something very American.

I'm not looking to write the great American novel, win a Pulitzer or teach history. I write to entertain my readers.

Trust in the great American ingenuity. We can derive more intelligent, more brain-friendly ways we can play football.

In this nation, the greatest of all nations, there are no second-class families. That is our great American conviction.

I have no doubt that 'On the Road' is a Great American Novel. But I'm also certain my students will do fine without it.

In this nation, the greatest of all nations, there are no second-class families. That is our great American conviction.

For me, Fitzgerald was one of the great American writers of the last century; a wordsmith, a storyteller, a perfectionist.

I don't think theater is dying, and musicals are a great American art form. We've got apple pie, jazz and musical theater.

Last year, in the year 2008, it just became normal to watch great American institutions crumble, almost dissolve like sand.

As an investor, I'm always looking for the next great American company. Who will create tomorrow's Twitter, Facebook, or Google?

The Great American Outdoors Act is landmark conservation legislation to protect our public lands, including right here in New Jersey.

Bankruptcy is about financial death and financial rebirth. Bankruptcy is the great American story rewritten. We're a nation of debtors.

I think it's really a sign of great American strength that we do invest the money we do in technology, in these hard projects, in NASA.

That seems to me the great American danger we're all in, that we'll bargain away the experience of being alive for the appearance of it.

More great Americans were failures than they were successes. They mostly spent their lives in not having a buyer for what they had for sale.

People think jazz music is all standards and the Great American Songbook. But it's really about the sensibility, the feel you bring to the music.

The great American work ethic has not been lost, but it has been eroded by years of dumb government policies that Mr. Trump and Congress can correct.

Jazz music is as American as it gets, and so is the U.S. Postal Service. A Miles Davis stamp is a perfect marriage of two great American institutions.

In 2009, South Carolina was blessed to welcome a great American company that chose to stay in our country to continue to do business. That company was Boeing.

Business leaders should provide expertise in service of our country. My predecessors at GE have done so, as have leaders of many other great American companies.

Perhaps the great American Republic, whose interests lie in the Pacific and who has no hand in the spoliation of Africa, may someday dream of foreign possession.

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