I never, ever imagined leaving Great Britain.

Brexit stops Britain from being Great Britain.

A1 Great Britain has to look at the longer term.

I think people in Great Britain are a bit jaded sometimes.

We must honestly face our relationship with Great Britain.

It is just a great honour to be representing Great Britain.

Great Britain has lost an Empire and has not yet found a role.

What Great Britain calls the Far East is to us the near north.

I will hold my head high in Rio and do my best for Great Britain.

All I want is to keep boxing for Great Britain and inspire others.

Great Britain has long been one of our strongest friends in the free world.

Poles finished communism, and Great Britain profited significantly from this.

Because Great Britain has self-confidence, it doesn't need a monumental Olympics.

I sometimes think God allows Great Britain to be unprincipled for the good of mankind.

We should promote and celebrate and enthuse the artisans and craftsmen of Great Britain.

The Olympics has solely been around other sports as far as Great Britain has been considered.

In January 1776, Thomas Paine issued 'Common Sense,' advocating independence from Great Britain.

You always want to test yourself at a high level, and I would be proud to represent Great Britain.

Northern Ireland isn't actually part of Great Britain, but we still want it to be part of 'Sofa Watch.'

Whatever happens in Mogadishu, in Somalia, will happen in Great Britain. We have interlocking interests.

We really need to stop the imperialist tendencies of countries like the United States and Great Britain.

Although I get so much fan mail from Great Britain, tell me, am I more famous there than Michael Madsen?

What I cannot stand in the behaviour of the E.U. with regard to Great Britain is blackmail, constant threat.

Great Britain is not part of the euro-zone; but the decision we take will have great importance for Great Britain.

I think Canadians are great satirists because we sit in the middle of these two giants: Great Britain and the U.S.

I don't know what it is to feel very British, but I feel that it's home, so I'm very happy to represent Great Britain.

We believe that from both a German and a Polish perspective, it is desirable for Great Britain to remain in the European Union.

I like being part of the Great Britain setup. I like feeling I'm at a race that is important and the pressure that goes with it.

The world probably wishes that Great Britain had rebuilt its defenses and stopped Germany from reoccupying the Rhineland in 1936.

I want the troops from Great Britain and the U.S. to be successful, but by the same token, Afghanistan has always been a screw-up.

When people say England, they sometimes mean Great Britain, sometimes the United Kingdom, sometimes the British Isles, - but never England.

I always wanted to work on films, and when I was starting in television in this country, in Great Britain, there really wasn't any film to be made.

The strategy we must follow is to defend the special relationship between Great Britain and Europe and, more specifically, between Europe and France.

I think the people of Great Britain have embraced me in a great way and I feel honoured and looking forward to winning the title in England for them.

I saw U.A.E. play at the London Olympics for the first time and I was really impressed with how they played against the likes of Great Britain and Uruguay.

Colonialism is an idea born in the West that drives Western countries - like France, Italy, Belgium, Great Britain - to occupy countries outside of Europe.

I've been living in England for a while, and I am still trying to figure out why we have Great Britain playing the Olympics together and England in football.

We have a unique relationship with the U.K., Great Britain. Tony Blair has been a steadfast spokesman for Britain, and also for the joint interests that we share.

The first war zone was declared by Great Britain. She gave us and the world notice of it on the 4th day of November, 1914. The zone became effective Nov. 5, 1914.

I have respect for Chisora as a fighter but not as a human. He set a bad example for boxing and all fighters. He came from Great Britain, but he is not a gentleman.

I'm a British citizen, and I'm incredibly proud to represent Great Britain. I've also represented Great Britain in the Olympics, so I'm definitely a British athlete.

I don't think Obama's a socialist or evil, I just think he's wrong and I disagree with him, he's a leftist, that's what they are in France and in Great Britain and in Canada.

The London Olympic Opening Ceremony was excellent. The mixture of old and new, of classic and contemporary was a beautiful reflection of Great Britain. Danny Boyle is a genius.

There is but one nation on the globe from which we have anything serious to apprehend, but that is the most powerful that now exists or ever did exist. I refer to Great Britain.

I am an American citizen born in Kuwait of Egyptian parents. I grew up in Great Britain, Malaysia, and Egypt and have lived in the United States since 1965, when I was seventeen.

We, in America and Great Britain, have never had to live with evil and ignore it, or pretend it wasn't happening, as people did all over Europe, and indeed, even in Germany herself.

The BBC is another part of the destruction of Great Britain. The truth is that the BBC doesn't know that it is biased. It thinks that Guardian reading champagne socialists are the norm.

The assertion that 'all men are created equal' was of no practical use in effecting our separation from Great Britain and it was placed in the Declaration not for that, but for future use.

I'm interested to see what happens with Fox News and phone hacking. I really can't believe it just happens in Great Britain. Because really, who cares about just hacking phones over there?

In Great Britain the price of food is at a higher level than in any other country, and consequently, the British artisan labours at a disadvantage in proportion to the higher rate of his food.

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