People tend to look great if they feel great.

A boot cut does not look great on most people.

There are a lot of people who look great but can't sing.

People look great in leggings and shorts and athletic clothes.

I think a lot of people in television news look at the cable networks with great envy.

People might look great on the outside but they all have something that they're dealing with.

I'll forever look at Imagine Dragons and hear them on the radio and think, 'They're great people.'

People who follow all the rules and chase every trend tend to get forgotten - they look great, but they're not as memorable.

We want people to realize you are at a design school, not a land grant college. The way we look says a great deal about who we are.

You find with the really great actors, the ones you really admire and look up to, very often they're very giving, generous, warm people.

I mean, I can look back with great pleasure on what has happened in Sudan, and our commitment to people who are persecuted in that kind of way.

If you look back at the great classics and the epics and myths, they were for everyone. Different people got different things from them, but everyone was invited to participate.

People go 'You look a lot like Minnie Driver.' Once I said, 'Thanks, Minnie is a great actress.' But, it blew up in my face. This person said, 'Nah, didn't like the last movie she did.'

It feels like now I - you know, I'm almost 80 years old - I can sit back and retire, you know, and say, 'Look, our young people are taking over.' And that's great. That's what I'd like to see.

The mullet has made a comeback, of sorts, and it looks great on young people. But I think if I was walking round with a mullet 25 years later I'd just look like a bloke who's stuck in the 80s.

So many stars who have shows are intimidated by having people around them be funnier than them. It's always the unsuccessful ones. Look at Seinfeld - he's great because he let everyone be hilarious.

I think great bosses hire great people. 'A' people hire 'A' people, but 'B' people hire 'C' people; they're worried they might be shown up... they're concerned that that person might make them look bad.

I just have some restaurants to just go and eat there. Do mean places to watch people? I like to go shopping look for guitars and stuff with my friends. Look at Meyer, great old instruments, talk about pedals and stuff.

I started hearing people say, 'There's a blog about your hair, and there are all of these Tumblr accounts.' I'm like, 'What's Tumblr?' I'm pretty mystified by it, because I look around, and a lot of people have great hair.

That's a big important deal, the way people see you from the stage. Once in a while, I'd ask people, 'How did you enjoy the show?' 'Hey, you looked great.' But how did I sound? That visual look is very important to people.

When it comes to other celebrity brands, I think a lot of people do a great job, but it can't be all about them. Everybody doesn't want to just look like the celebrity, because they can't. They just want one element of that style.

Look at guys like Tom Brady and Aaron Rodgers. Those guys have great arms, but people talk about them more as a quarterbacks and the intellectual side of the game and how they really dissect defenses - and then the arm is something else that helps them with that.

When you're trying to look pretty, it's a lot easier to compare you to other people. I always felt intimidated in pilot season trying to audition for 'the girlfriend.' Whereas when it's like, 'you're auditioning for the part of this meth addict, trailer park whatever,' it's like, 'Great!'

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