Usually, if you've got a great script, everything falls into place.

If you have a great script and great dialogue, you don't need to improvise.

If it was a great script and a great character, I would love to do a romantic comedy.

Siva is one of the best writers in the industry, and 'Srimanthudu' is a great script.

There's one great script that hit my desk that I didn't change at all, and that was True Romance.

It's very rare you get a great script just handed to you, or sent to you, by someone you don't know.

'Argo' was a great script from day one. I don't think we knew that it was going to be such a success.

I would like to direct a sitcom like 'Sumit Sambhal Lega.' It was interesting. It had a great script also.

I was hired to do this one great script called 'Cap'n Ricky' and that project is up in the air at the moment.

I would always rather do a mediocre script with a great filmmaker than a great script with a mediocre filmmaker.

Ek Tha Tiger' was a great script, director and leading superstar of the film industry Salman Khan is part of it.

It's fun to improvise, but I still think it's better to have a great script, you know, like a Charlie Kaufman script.

You can have a great script, and it can be a great show, but for whatever reason, it just doesn't take the public's interest.

I've been involved with some huge studio projects that have been bloody awesome. It all starts with a great script, doesn't it?

First and foremost, I look for a great script. Then, the team that I am working with. Only then, we will be able to come up with a good film.

The bottom line is, it's a great script and that's very inspiring and makes you want to overcome whatever technical difficulties you come up against.

At the end of the day, my bread and butter comes from films, so I have to work in films that may not have a great script, but give me a fat pay cheque.

Talent is a combination of perfect comic timing, diction, modulation, great script writing and most importantly, an invincible will, if you may call it so.

When you're starting out, you know, you have to do something on a very limited budget. You're not going to be able to have great actors, and you're most likely not going to have a great script.

Producing is a way of finding a great script that nobody's making, and believing in it, and doing what you can to get it made. It lets you work with your friends, people you really love to do something with.

I'm not really a director for hire. You read these scripts and go, 'This is a really great script, but Paul Greengrass would make this so much better than me.' I usually say, 'I know who would be good for this. It's not me.'

I do think comedy needs to be a living thing, but I think without a great script and fully realized characters, you cannot keep it living. Otherwise, it just becomes long and rambling, indulgent. So I think you need both, frankly.

Yes, TV is the dominant medium in Pakistan, but it was a conscious decision to have an Indian film as my first release. Being launched in an Indian film with a great script, character, and music is half the battle won. The rest is destiny.

When I read 'Rocky V,' it was a terrific story, a great script. Rocky died at the end. He has this devastating fight with Tommy Gunn, ends up in an ambulance with his head in Adrian's lap, and by the time they get to the hospital, he's dead.

Sometimes, I can read a great script, and I don't like the part, or I don't think I'm right for it. I mean, there are times I've read really great parts and think there's so many other actors who could do this better than me. And I just say no to it.

It could be a great script but the director is not the right person for me to work for at this time. So there are a lot of elements that come into play and a lot of variables, but more than anything it's got to be a great script and a great character.

A great script might come my way, and I could be in the middle of music. So, it's a huge choice that I have to make - if I'm going to go do a movie or if I'm going to turn it down - because it could be an opportunity that could send my career through the roof, and you never know.

In the U.S., it's like, you start with a great script, and then on set - not everybody, but definitely in the Apatow group - you go off, and you're improvising on camera. So while you're on camera, you're saying things that no one else has ever heard before during the actual take.

I believe that the director is really the soul. It is a collaborative effort, but the director is the one who needs to have that vision. It could be a great script, but it starts from there. You need to have good material, at least, but if you don't have someone with vision, it's just words.

It's not about the script: it's about who the director is and who the other people in the cast are. Because you can look at a great script and execute it in a very sophomoric way, and you can look at an OK script, and you can execute it in a very sophisticated way and come out with something really good.

Tone is so important because you can have a great script just be ruined with the wrong director - if they shtick it up or something. With 'Little Miss Sunshine,' I was so concerned they weren't going to play the pageant official realistically because you don't have to wink to play those kinds of characters.

Great actors are so easy to direct. It's like they're big 747s that you just have to move left and right, and I don't really need to direct. I need to put them in the right costume, with the right haircut, in the right location, and with the right actor to act with. And then my job is almost done, with a great script, obviously.

There have been times when I've been asked to do things and I've thought, 'This is great! This is a great script. But, I do not believe myself in this role.' I pretend I'm the producer and I think, 'If I was making this movie, would I cast myself in this part,' and if that doesn't feel right to me, then I don't even go audition for it.

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