My body is my greatest asset.

My speed is my greatest asset.

My greatest asset now is my focus.

People are the greatest asset class.

A women's greatest asset is her beauty.

Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.

Your vision of where or who you want to be is your greatest asset.

Thinking clearly and effectively is the greatest asset of any human being.

Our nation's children are our greatest asset and our most precious treasure.

To this end the greatest asset of a school is the personality of the teacher.

My ability to concentrate and work toward that goal has been my greatest asset.

Your greatest asset is your earning ability. Your greatest resource is your time.

I have a proven record as an effective legislator, which I believe is my greatest asset.

I always felt that my greatest asset was not my physical ability, it was my mental ability.

I believe the greatest asset a head of state can have is the ability to get a good night's sleep.

Humor is not a sign of weakness. In fact, humor can be your greatest asset in the face of tragedy.

A coach's greatest asset is his sense of responsibility - the reliance placed on him by his players.

Enthusiasm is the greatest asset you can possess, for it can take you further than money, power or influence.

You are your greatest asset. Put your time, effort and money into training, grooming, and encouraging your greatest asset.

My wife was my greatest asset. I didn't marry her until after World War II, but she has complemented me in every job I've ever had.

My weakness, that is, my quadriplegia, is my greatest asset because it forces me into the arms of Christ every single morning when I get up.

Air power is indivisible. If you split it up into compartments, you merely pull it to pieces and destroy its greatest asset, its flexibility.

The greatest asset, even in this country, is not oil and gas. It's integrity. Everyone is searching for it, asking, 'Who can I do business with that I can trust?'

I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm among men the greatest asset I possess. The way to develop the best that is in a man is by appreciation and encouragement.

If you have ideas, you have the main asset you need, and there isn't any limit to what you can do with your business and your life. Ideas are any man's greatest asset.

People are definitely a company's greatest asset. It doesn't make any difference whether the product is cars or cosmetics. A company is only as good as the people it keeps.

When people are your greatest asset, like at Deloitte, investments in human capital should be considered in the same way other companies might invest significantly in product R&D.

The book is called 'Most Talkative,' because I was voted most talkative in high school. And I've never stopped talking. My mouth has been my greatest asset and my biggest Achilles' heel.

I think caring as much as we do has been our greatest asset and really allowed us to build such a great company. It might not be conventional, but that's the way I'd rather live my life.

Don't let what you don't know scare you, because it can become your greatest asset. And if you do things without knowing how they have always been done, you're guaranteed to do them differently.

To me, the greatest asset of the Fed is the people. We have a tremendously dedicated staff... They feel proud to work for the Fed because this is such a competent, professional and well-respected organization.

Your decision to be, have and do something out of ordinary entails facing difficulties that are out of the ordinary as well. Sometimes your greatest asset is simply your ability to stay with it longer than anyone else.

Employees are a company's greatest asset - they're your competitive advantage. You want to attract and retain the best; provide them with encouragement, stimulus, and make them feel that they are an integral part of the company's mission.

I just assumed the world was full of solo percussionists. I couldn't find sticks or music or anything where I was, but that was expected because there was nothing there anyway. And I think that was possibly the greatest asset for me, just not knowing.

When you look at farmers and ranchers, for example, they are our first environmentalists. They are our first conservationists. When you look at the greatest asset that they have, it is their land. They care about the water that they drink. They care about the air that they breathe. We should see them as partners, not adversaries.

I think one of the main challenges that the World Bank faces is creating an organizational structure that doesn't get in the way of its staff. We have fantastic staff. People told me as I was coming into the organization that the greatest asset of the World Bank Group is its staff, and I think there's no question that that's the case.

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