I study all the greats.

I definitely study the greats.

I want to work with the greats.

I respect our greats. I admire them.

I always say the greats just get better.

I believe Gary Cole is one of the greats.

Brando's one of the greats; what can you say?

The Apollo is where all the greats performed.

The Glove is in the Hall of Fame with the greats.

Meryl Streep belongs on anybody's list of greats.

In order to be a great, you gotta be among the greats.

I believe that I am one of the greats of this generation.

I'm a young lion and I believe I can be one of the greats.

I want to be Geraldine Page; I want to be one of the greats.

If you want to be like the greats, you learn from the greats.

Lost in a crowd of greats, not a single Oscar. That's showbiz.

I've been fortunate to drive for some of the greats in racing.

I want to retire, when it's all said and done, as one of the greats.

I want to become one of the songwriting greats. That's my number one goal.

I come from the golden age of hip hop when all the greats came on the scene.

It's hard not to respect Kobe Bryant's game: He's one of the all-time greats.

Some people call me a legend and the last of the greats, and I appreciate it.

'The Shining,' 'A Nightmare on Elm Street,' 'Halloween.' Those are the greats.

All the blues greats took chances and developed their own style. They didn't copy.

TeeFlii brought an edge to our camp. He's definitely going to be one of the greats.

I was listening to Chuck D, KRS, Rakim, Big Daddy Kane, all the greats, studying them.

It means a lot to notch my name in the sport and have my name among some of the greats.

Like the greats, you want to make your own story yourself, and not be a copy of another.

I beat Randy Orton, one of the all-time greats, you know. Why can't I beat a Brock Lesnar?

I want to be able to be looked back on and know that he was one of the greats in the game.

That is what I love about golf, you can go play somewhere where all the greats have played.

I feel like I have to put on for my city, because we have so many legends and so many greats.

You borrow from the greats, and you make your own path without losing the core of who you are.

When you have been coached by Ancelotti and other greats, it's hard to be coached by Domenech!

Lily Tomlin was one of the early comedy greats who influenced my courage to be the person I am.

My great-great-great uncle - or maybe it's only two 'greats' - crossbred the first Aberdeen Angus.

As a student in London, I had seen so many shows, so many plays and had seen so many greats of the day.

The difference between the greats and the legends is their ability to focus for longer periods of time.

When I was a kid, I used to watch all those Sunday afternoon matinees featuring all the Hollywood greats.

The thrill I got discovering Buster Keaton when I was growing up was so exciting. He was one of the greats.

I loved working with Peter Weir. I think he's one of the greats and will be remembered as one of the greats.

After following the footsteps of the greats, each singer must carve out his own identity, else he will perish.

I am always loath to assign goalkeepers too much importance, but you have to make an exception for the greats.

You see all the greats, people who were idols of mine growing up. You see those guys on the cover of video games.

The greatest of the greats wouldn't be the greatest of the greats if they didn't try stuff, you know what I mean?

I'm not going to lie; having acting greats like Kamal Haasan and Sarika as parents has, in a sense, opened doors.

It is a huge honour to be recognised as the world's best commentator, particularly against so many sporting greats.

I really want to be one of the greats. I want to be able to walk somewhere and have people say, 'Oh, that's Travis.'

I don't know any guitar player, any of the real greats, who don't rate Joni Mitchell up there with the best of them.

I think everyone should aspire to be someone great, and that was one of the greats. Aaliyah was one of the great ones.

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