I just love a great groove.

I like to groove a little bit!

I don't dig staying in one groove.

There's nothing like an Aerosmith groove

When you get a groove going, time flies.

As a performer, I groove to my own songs.

You know, we had that groove; I didn't feel no way.

You can always tell when the groove is working or not.

If you don't like what you're doing, then don't do it.

The Heads were the only band on that scene that had a groove.

Just because a record has a groove don't make it in the groove.

I've never had a 12-year-old try to explain to me about groove.

Language etches the grooves through which your thoughts must flow.

Let the great world spin for ever down the ringing grooves of change.

You really don't get into a groove until you play two or three games.

Music is a big thing for me when I'm shooting. It gets me in a groove.

If something grooves and you like the sound, then that's all you need.

Sometimes I hear a drum groove in my head and I rush down to my studio.

I love grooves and dance music, but I like the feeling behind songs too.

When knowledge is missing all other attributes have no grooves in which to rest.

Grease is the word, is the word that you heard, It's got groove, its got feeling.

I prefer playing in songs where I have a tempo, groove and harmonic map to hang on to.

My guitar-playing always included bass lines, melody lines, and rhythm-guitar grooves.

I have long been a fan of Holy Ghost! and think they've got the best dance grooves around.

I have an uncomfortable groove, 'cause I have a lot of different kinds of stories to tell.

When I listen to songs, to this day, I listen to the chords and the groove and the melody.

It's about knowing how to make a groove happen and keep it going so others can play off it.

Dancing sometimes you just get your groove on. I can dance. I'm kinda like Michael Jackson.

I was in a band called Groove Solution. Because there was a groove crisis, and we solved it.

It's always been my dream to have a monster rhythm section that's just all groove and pocket.

I have found a groove and a combination between originals and mashups that I think works well.

Who doesn't love Tupac? Those records have such swagger to them. The groove is just incredible.

Radio is being dominated by records that are 120 beats per minute. R&B is about groove and soul.

Be it web series, short films, reality shows, what drives and keeps me in the groove is my work.

There are no prog elements to Adrenaline Mob; it's very song-oriented, with shredding and grooves.

We do a cover of Charlie Puth's 'Attention' that I really, really love and I think really grooves.

If you don't like what you're doing, you can always pick up your needle and move to another groove.

I think there's a lot of death metal or doom metal dudes that somehow or another find a groove in it.

I never cared about money or fame, and I don't care now. I follow the groove, and money always follows.

When the band would leave the stage, and then the audience would just take over, and keep the groove goin'.

With Schubert, a lot of the melodies are very simple, but he's in this groove. He's in touch with his heart.

I like to combine the dramatic emotional warmth of strings with the grooves and body business of drums and bass.

Every show finds its groove, I would say. The first season is the season to figure out the dynamics, the workflow.

I've grown up listening to Jack Johnson and John Mayer. But I also love to groove on stage like Justin Timberlake.

Playing the guitar, you kind of lock into a rhythm and a groove, and then it relaxes me to make up lyrics and sing.

There are a lot of writers who find a groove and spend a career mining that vein. I seem to be exactly the opposite.

Awakening your spiritual side is really what artists do. When you hit a groove, it's not you; it's the spirit world.

When I'm skiing, I listen to electronic music. It's repetitive and let's me get into a groove and crank out the miles.

I just love a slow groove. I feel so comfortable in it. But I listen to a lot of fast music, a lot of techno and house.

There's a very fine line between a groove and a rut; a fine line between eccentrics and people who are just plain nuts.

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