I cannot guarantee anything.

Nothing is a guarantee at all.

Money does not guarantee success.

If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster.

No one can guarantee success of a film.

We're going to win Sunday. I guarantee it.

The best way to guarantee a loss is to quit.

Practicing hard doesn't guarantee you anything.

Love means to commit yourself without guarantee.

Bitcoin's success will guarantee Bitcoin's success.

We've gotta guarantee all of our kids an education.

There is only one dream I can guarantee... my death.

Only a strong America can guarantee a peaceful world.

I am not drinking now but I cannot guarantee tomorrow.

Doing what's right is no guarantee against misfortune.

Brexit doesn't guarantee that migration will come down.

You can't guarantee everything's going to be televised.

I don't think spending money is a guarantee for anything.

Doing theatre in Delhi didn't guarantee success in Mumbai.

To guarantee success, act as if it were impossible to fail.

Being fully present is the best guarantee for a bright future.

If we had picked Manziel, he'd guarantee our relevance for 10 years.

A star may guarantee business, but the tradeoff is a very short run.

Hard work doesn't guarantee success, but it does enhance its chances.

Can any nation claim, guarantee, that there will be no terror strike?

If your first film does badly, there's no guarantee of the second film.

Because an appeal makes logical sense is no guarantee that it will work.

If people like your music, you can't guarantee they're going to love you.

Today's tactical victory does not guarantee tomorrow's strategic success.

We must... guarantee women control over their own reproductive decisions.

No mater what I wear - whether my choice or not- I guarantee I will be me.

If I hadn't had the guarantee of playing, I would have asked to leave Roma.

Marriage doesn't guarantee anything, it doesn't come with perfect settings.

Free trade and economic stability do not, by themselves, guarantee success.

Ignoring a child's disrespect is the surest guarantee that it will continue.

Going to college and finding a good job no longer guarantee economic safety.

One thing you can guarantee with the Travellers, they've got a lot of heart.

Her body calculated to a millimeter to suggest a bud yet guarantee a flower.

Ask yourself when you learn the most. I guarantee it's when you felt at risk.

The point is, how do you know the Guarantee Fairy isn't a crazy glue sniffer.

There are no guarantees. If you spent money, it's no guarantee you win stuff.

Just because you sell millions of records it doesn't guarantee bums on seats.

Half the bands I guarantee wouldn't at this point want Nuno to open for them.

I think that no number of rehearsals can guarantee the outcome of a live show.

There's no guarantee that the United States will be around 200 years from now.

Don't hate me for what tabloids write about me, because I guarantee it's a lie.

'Freedom of belief and worship is the most important guarantee of social peace.

The first responsibility of the state is to guarantee the safety of the people.

We must guarantee the quality of the existence of the men and women of tomorrow.

You always want to have a winning car, but there is no guarantee that it will be.

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