Nothing is guaranteed.

You're never guaranteed anything.

This is America. Success is not guaranteed.

Nothing is absolutely 100 percent guaranteed.

No one is guaranteed their place in the squad.

Fashion is guaranteed to never always be right.

Any move is a risk. Nothing is guaranteed in football.

My safety and my family's safety are not guaranteed even now.

Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one.

Just date people you like, then you're guaranteed to have fun.

When I play Migos when I'm in the gym I'm guaranteed to go hard!

The only thing you are guaranteed in football is disappointment.

I'm not fixated on death but I know tomorrows are not guaranteed.

The career isn't guaranteed for as long as you might want to play.

The goal should be universal, guaranteed, high-quality health care.

If I can train for a contest for a week, it's a guaranteed victory.

I have to work my way up. There's nothing guaranteed in this league.

You are not guaranteed to be part of that story if you don't perform.

Nobody is guaranteed to be a starter; thinking that would be a mistake.

If you run, you might lose. If you don't run, you're guaranteed to lose.

Americans count on the guaranteed benefits they paid for under Medicare.

If you become president, you're guaranteed to develop some nervous habit.

Nothing is guaranteed to last, so you should just enjoy it as it happens.

You realize as you get older that tomorrow is not guaranteed for anybody.

It's never guaranteed for somebody to be successful. It just really be God.

The only guaranteed way to make something not very funny is to make it vague.

Every American must be guaranteed dignity and independence in their retirement.

Life is fragile. We're not guaranteed a tomorrow so give it everything you've got.

I'm very confident in my own ability but I'm not guaranteed to get a starting spot.

We have to know that nothing is promised, nothing is guaranteed, especially tomorrow.

Computer programming is pretty much guaranteed income. I'm good at it, and I like it.

The hardest part of acting is not being guaranteed work. Every job could be your last.

The right to procreate is not guaranteed, explicitly or implicitly, by the Constitution.

Medicare provided guaranteed equal coverage, something that the private sector could not.

Health is already a dominant sector in most societies and the one most guaranteed to grow.

Every soul deserves a shot at a Cadillac, but not everyone should be guaranteed a Cadillac.

In the UFC, nothing is guaranteed. Anything can happen when it comes to getting a title shot.

Nothing is ever guaranteed, and all that came before doesn't predicate what you might do next.

It is guaranteed to put all teeth on edge, including George Washington's, wherever they might be.

Accountability and democratic choice, I deeply believe, are guaranteed by rigorous scrutiny only.

When you play at City with top players, you don't have a guaranteed place in the starting eleven.

I make an attempt to do different kinds of films. There's no such formula for guaranteed success.

Philosophically, I think riffs that start with E repeating itself are almost guaranteed to be great.

Ski racing is probably the least guaranteed sport out there. It's really rare when the favorites win.

Under the current pay-as-you-go Social Security system, not one person is actually guaranteed benefits.

For me, how I live every day is with the kind of mentality that you're never, ever guaranteed tomorrow.

Anytime somebody tells me they saw 'Safety Not Guaranteed' in the theater, my answer is, 'That was you?'

There we were in the middle of a sexual revolution wearing clothes that guaranteed we wouldn't get laid.

The Great British summer has many qualities, but unfortunately guaranteed warm weather is not one of them.

The Five Eyes nations have a duty to support Hong Kong and its status as guaranteed by the 1984 agreement.

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