I carry lots of guilt.

Guilt is always jealous

Guilt soon learns to lie.

Guilt was its own prison.

Guilt is the thief of life.

sorrow is easier than guilt.

Only good people feel guilt.

Guilt is a spiritual Rubicon.

Nobody becomes guilty by fate.

The only shame is to have none.

Indulgence, twin sister of guilt.

The guilt of newborns is immense.

Guilt is petty; I am above guilt.

Guilt is the very nerve of sorrow.

How tedious is a guilty conscience!

Guilt is a serious appetite killer.

Guilt, the poor man's mind control.

I always felt guilty. My whole life.

Secret guilt is by silence revealed.

A land of levity is a land of guilt.

Any holiday seems like a guilt trip.

Don't confuse your grief with guilt.

I've always been a magnet for guilt.

Secret guilt by silence is betrayed.

Guilt: the gift that keeps on giving.

If you commit a crime, you're guilty.

where everybody is guilty, nobody is.

Guilt starts as a feeling of failure.

I do not believe in collective guilt.

Let go of self-condemnation and guilt!

When grace moves in... guilt moves out

Guilt stirs me, but only to self-pity.

The mind of guilt is full of scorpions.

Every guilty person is his own hangman.

A guilty conscience never feels secure.

Successful guilt is the bane of society

Guilt is glorious when it's well earned.

He that knows no guilt can know no fear.

A guilty system recognizes no innocents.

Power without guilt, love without doubt.

Great is the guilt of an unnecessary war.

Motherhood has been an exercise in guilt.

Let other pens dwell on guilt and misery.

Guilt is the teacher, love is the lesson.

I have a massive guilt thing about money.

Give guilt - the gift that lasts forever.

Magic teaches us how to lie without guilt.

My hands are guilty, but my heart is free.

I have no guilt about any of my pleasures.

Guilt is often an excuse for not thinking.

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