I'm not a good guitar player.

I wanted to be a guitar player.

I'm a struggling guitar player.

I was a guitar player first off.

I'm just a dumb guitar player, man.

I'll never be the best guitar player.

I'm surrounded by great guitar players.

I'm the guitar player in Belle & Sebastian.

I've never been a great lead guitar player.

I just want to be a better guitar player, really.

I was never really a virtuoso guitar player per se.

Steve Fister is a great guitar player. He's ROCKIN'!!

The lousy guitar player in any band is the bass player.

As a guitar player, playing instrumental music is a blast.

Mostly, I'm much more of a guitar player than I am a singer.

You're always learning about this thing everytime you pick it up

There is nothing wrong about being a rock n' roll guitar player.

Chet Atkins... is probably the best guitar player who ever lived.

I was an engineer for a long time. I was a sideman guitar player.

I'm the first one to admit, I'm a pretty unorthodox guitar player.

Sometimes it's hard for me to just be the guitar player and lose myself.

I'm a decent writer, barely a decent guitar player, and a terrible singer.

T-Bone Walker was a big influence on just about every guitar player around.

As a guitar player, you never stop learning, never stop honing your skills.

Duane Allman was the best guitar player I ever heard who didn't read a note.

It's not easy being a female guitar player. You have to believe in yourself.

I'm a rock/blues guitar player. I'm not wanting to be a pop star or anything.

I'm an old guitar player who has fallen into television and is so happy he did.

I went from wanting to be a Beatle to becoming a 'widdly-widdly' guitar player.

It's so satisfying as a guitar player to play stuff that's related to the blues.

I do not consider myself a guitar player. My father is a guitar player - I'm not.

I was a good father. I was a nice guy, pretty good guitar player, and funny as hell.

Ask any guitar player - it's hard to feed yourself when you're picking for a living.

To stay a great singer or guitar player, you've got to do it 24/7. That's what I do.

My first musical dream was to be a guitar player, and believe me, it's still in there.

I wanted to be a blues guitar player. And a singer. And a songwriter. Not a shock jock.

Besides being a guitar player, I'm a big fan of the guitar. I love that damn instrument.

I'm a bass player from way back and Paul is a guitar player and we've been in many bands.

I'm a recording studio guy, an engineer, a songwriter and a guitar player, in that order.

I always thought Kurt Cobain was the perfect embodiment of the great alternative guitar player.

The greatest guitar player in the world today for me is Paco de Lucia, who is actually Spanish.

You can be a singer, and you can be a guitar player, but putting them together is another animal.

In essence, I feel I'm more jazz guitar player because I write vehicles geared for improvisation.

Bruce's band is so different from the Grateful Dead; there's no lead guitar player, for one thing.

I probably spent more time as a kid playing air guitar to Jimmy Page than any other guitar player.

As a roadie for the Jimi Hendrix Experience, I learned that I should give up being a guitar player.

As a guitar player, it's harder for me to impress somebody than it is to write a song that they like.

I thought it was too 'glam rock' to practice. The problem is that now I'm a pretty bad guitar player.

So, it's like: I'm an OK singer; I'm an OK guitar player and you put them together and... it's just OK.

I love singing my own stuff, but I also love being a guitar player. Doing both keeps things interesting.

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