I deplore sexual harassment.

Sexual harassment does bring shame.

Sexual harassment is complex, subtle, and highly subjective.

Sexual harassment is as difficult to prove as it is to disprove.

I stand second to none in condemning sexual harassment of women.

Sexual harassment on the job is not a problem for virtuous women.

Intimidation, harassment and violence have no place in a democracy.

Sexual harassment at work... is it a problem for the self-employed?

All together now: Women don't cause sexual harassment, harassers do.

The solution to 'on-line harassment' is simple: women should log off.

The days of foot-in-the-door harassment and snatched photos are gone.

I've been speaking out about harassment and gender disparity for years.

Harassment is one of puberty's darkest, most unreported rites of passage.

The harassment and the bullying that students face is a learned behavior.

I've experienced harassment. I've had male comedians be very inappropriate.

I'm tired of people not taking sexual harassment as a serious issue. It is.

A compliment makes someone feel good about themselves. A catcall is harassment.

As a girl, I abandoned a promising singing career due to violent harassment by Islamists.

Harassment is about power---the undue exercise of power by a superior over a subordinate.

People on the lower rungs are more vulnerable to sexual harassment than those at the top.

Sometimes when women come forward about sexual harassment, they're seen as a troublemaker.

Ontological questions are generally beside the point, hardly more than a form of harassment.

Not all cops are bad, but this kind of harassment has been going on for years in the ghetto.

I don't think anybody should be subject to any sort of harassment in any way, shape, or form.

I will not put up with bullying and harassment - certainly not after the experiences I've had.

Sexual harassment can really affect you for a long time, and I want more women to come forward.

It's so unbelievable that in 2017, almost every single woman has a story about sexual harassment.

We need more women in higher roles, because the tone for sexual harassment would no doubt be different.

Americans are fed up with these mandatory census surveys, and they're asking us to stop the harassment.

We must have zero tolerance for sexual harassment, even if the perpetrator is somebody we like and admire.

Hmm, that's not sexual harassment, baby. When I decide to get sexual, trust me, you'll know it. ~ Braden ~

There is no kind of harassment that a man may not inflict on a woman with impunity in civilized societies.

Every company should have zero tolerance on sexual harassment so that victims feel secure while taking a stand.

I believe that victims of sexual harassment must be allowed to tell their story on their time, in their own way.

It takes courage to come forward, and I don't want any victim of sexual harassment to think twice about doing so.

#MeToo is a welcome change, and I would encourage women to call out sexual harassment issues in their workplaces.

Early in my career, I was subjected to harassment in the form of some unwelcome suggestive comments and overtures.

We just were saying no more police brutality. And we had enough of police harassment in the Village and other places.

I would give back every single award to be able to actually do our jobs as journalists without this kind of harassment.

Some women who are on top of their game have come out in the open about sexual harassment, what publicity do they require?

The conditions for harassment are built into the very structure of the trucking business, beginning with the training process.

I have been subjected to constant harassment and humiliation by Mr. Abad Ponda with his sexist remarks and insulting comments.

Children should be able to live a life free from bullying and harassment and it is time that we all took a stand against this.

Non-consensual, sexual advances are not the same as flirtatious comments from a creepy dude. The degree of harassment matters.

Nobody bothered to ask me how I was doing when my livelihood was snatched away after the 'Horn Ok Pleassss' harassment episode.

I have a dream that, one day, maybe we'll have more women in the Senate than there are victims of Harvey Weinstein's harassment.

I've been trying to reassert myself as a human and not just a current events story. I should not be the face of online harassment.

Sexual harassment and gender discrimination is real, it's far more pervasive than I think people have been willing to acknowledge.

So many people who deal with sexual harassment don't have the means to file lawsuits or to get legal representation or legal advice.

The 'Horn 'OK' Pleassss' harassment incident and the mob attack there had sent me spiralling into a deep state of depression in 2008.

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